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狡猾如狐者。Three, craftiness such as fox.

耶稣看出他们的诡诈,就对他们说。But He perceived their craftiness and said to them.

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如经上记着说,主叫有智慧的中了自己的诡计。For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

只可惜那贼狡猾,竟还是让他跑了。Can only cherish that thief craftiness , unexpectedly still keep letting him run.

其实是自己对婚姻没感悟,所以才得出一串“谬悟”。Is actually to marriage, so it was not feeling that a string of "enlightened" craftiness.

蛇的狡猾引他们犯罪,接着他们就开始对自己的赤身裸体而感到羞耻。The craftiness of the serpent led them to sin, and they then became ashamed of their nakedness.

每个人一生中都会经常受魔鬼的试探,牠的试探总是很狡猾,不露痕迹的。None of us will go through life without the constant, subtle, clever, craftiness of the tempter.

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也门总统阿里•阿卜杜拉•萨利赫虽身陷囹圄,但其狡黠令人钦佩。THERE is good reason to admire the craftiness of Yemen’s embattled president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

他考试作弊被取消了考试资格,他真是搬起石头砸自己的脚。He cheated in the test and got disqualified for that course. He really got caught in his own craftiness.

阿富汗政府的绝望和叛乱分子的狡猾精明形成鲜明对比。The contrast between Afghan government hopelessness and insurgent craftiness could hardly have been more stark.

自私,残暴,狡猾,都不足以形容这在地狱中极具权势的恶魔公爵,阿里曼再基于自己的利益上。Selfish, atrocious, craftiness , those words are not enought to describe the evil duke who powerful in the hell.

在话语间戒绝空想与俗念,在行为中勿沾上诡诈与猜疑。Take heed that your words be purged from idle fancies and worldly desires and your deeds be cleansed from craftiness and suspicion.

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等回去后,他也许该拜访一下这间公司,虽然他知道以杨幕友的狡猾是不会那么直白地露出马脚的。After etc. returns to, he probably should visit this company, although he knows to can't so keep white ground to expose by Yang Mu You's craftiness.

李贺诗歌以“奇”、“诡”、“怪”著称,而他诗歌中的童话色彩及其内蕴往往为人忽视。Lihe' Poems were famous for their queerness, craftiness and strangeness, but people often ignored the fairy tale flavour and connotation of his poems.