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我选择了俄语。I chose Russian.

这就是俄罗斯的流行歌手了?THAT is a Russian popstar?

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这可是人家俄罗斯自己家的合并案。This was a Russian merger.

你能听懂俄语吗?Can you understand Russian?

俄国海员怎样生活?How Do Russian Seamen Live?

他建立了俄国海军。He founded the Russian navy.

俄罗斯士兵的形象。Image of the Russian soldier.

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于是他开始学俄语。So he began to learn Russian.

我去百老汇找。你去俄罗斯茶坊。You go to the Russian Tea Room.

俄罗斯西伯利亚至雅库茨克的之路。Russian Siberian Road to Yakutsk

1982年我开始学习俄语。I started studying Russian in 1982.

用户手册在俄语和英语。User manual in Russian and English.

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苏联宇航员讲俄语。The Soviet cosmonauts spoke Russian.

一只俄国熊是停止的标志。At the stop sign is the Russian bear.

我不认为俄语是门难学的语言。I don't call Russian a hard language.

很明显理查德是俄罗斯人。Richard Murphy was clearly a Russian.

主导风格是俄罗斯巴洛克式。The leading style is Russian baroque.

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我曾听人用俄语唱了这首歌。I once heard the song sung in Russian.

中国是俄罗斯的头号敌人?。Is China the Russian Number One Enemy?

俄罗斯改革新瓶装陈酒。Russian Reform Old Wine in New Bottle.