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她是个势利眼。She's a snob.

他是个十足的势利眼。He was a fearful snob.

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他就是个势利眼。He is nothing but a snob.

他是个头号势利小人。He's a snob of the first water.

庸人往往是势利鬼。The philistine is often a snob.

苹果的产品可以满足虚荣心。Apple products have snob appeal.

我对人家附庸风雅的地位没有兴趣。I wasn't interested in a snob degree.

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天阿,丽西,你真是个自负傲慢的人!By heavens, Lizzie , what a snob you are!

布什先生是英国人所称的那种叛逆的家伙。Mr Bush is what the British call an inverted snob.

他是个势利小人,绝对不可以信任。He is a snob and by no means someone that can be trusted.

尽管如此,尽管你和我一样在食品杂货方面是个假内行,你还是值得去找一找。It’s worth checking out, though, even if you’re a food snob like me.

每一个食物挑剔者都有一些负担,就是他将付出任何代价和承受任何责任。Every food snob has a few items for which he will pay any price, bear any burden.

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有一天晚上,索姆斯偷听到弗勒的一个客人马乔里·弗拉尔说弗勒是一个势利鬼。One night Soames overheard one of Fleur's guests, Marjorie Ferrar, speak of her as a snob.

他口齿清晰,相貌俊朗,但同时也有些贵族习气,自命高雅。He is articulate and handsome, while also coming across as a patrician and a bit of a snob.

我们必须摒弃它的虚荣心价值,压低价格使其更受欢迎。We must undo its snob value and keep the prices low to make it more popular, " says Ashwini."

当你遇到高傲的旅客用他们的经历来贬低你的时候,窍门就是别觉得自己低人一等。The trick is to not feel subpar when a travel snob overshadows your story with one of their own.

没有多少人说她是社会上的势利眼,但是,很少有人否认她在智力上总显得盛气凌人。Not many people described her as a social snob , but there are few who deny she is an intellectual snob.

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它们是我反问自己是否是一个势利眼当我清醒,漫步在人潮之中时,尽管这个问题本身就是令人十分不快的。They make me ask myself if I am really such a snob when I am waking, and this in itself is very unpleasant.

或许永远不会知道她真的是太势利眼了。Had she met him under normal circumstances, he might never have known what an appalling snob she really was.

说起艺术,Gass就油然势利眼起来,他嬉戏而又正经地展现了自己的这一态度。Gass is an unapologetic snob when it comes to the arts, and wields this attitude in ways both playful and serious.