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我还是会痛苦嚎哭。I would still wail painfully.

可是,忽然,他紧紧张张地嗅着空气。But then he sniffed the air painfully.

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他费力地写出第一份草稿。He had painfully drawn up a first draft.

于是他在橡树下痛苦地自言自语。So he in under the oak painfully to himself.

为什么我要如此痛苦地迷恋着你呢?Why should I be so painfully obsessed with you?

我痛苦地看著这个破得粉碎的花瓶。I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.

一支是尖头金的,另一支是钝头铅的。He was honest in a way that could be painfully blunt.

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他的演说对于新人来说是一种痛苦的说教。His speech to the new freshmen was painfully didactic.

风险在于,它会变得矫揉造作,让人难受。It runs the risk of coming off as painfully contrived.

欧盟同俄罗斯关系改善的进程异常的缓慢。Progress in EU-Russia relations has been painfully slow.

毕竟,中国痛苦的明白到它可能遭遇损失。China, after all, has learned painfully that it can lose.

由于悲痛,K在其租屋中自杀了。Painfully betrayed, K committed suicide in the hired room.

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她躺在床上,嗓子里发出粗重而痛苦的呼吸声。She lay in bed, her breath rasping painfully in her throat.

迪奥默默咒骂着,他的胸口痛苦的收缩起来。Duo cursed under his breath, his chest contracting painfully.

永远令人痛苦地挂着一副目中无人的时髦相?Painfully stylish with a permanent snooty look on their face?

过度性急的人和懒惰的人一样让人讨厌。Just as bad as lazy workers are the painfully over-eager ones.

她痛苦地解释了她对朴素链条的抱怨。She painfully ex plained her com plaint about the plain chain.

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Lincoln痛苦地跪倒在地,警员铐住了他。Lincoln painfully drops to his knees and the police restrain him.

现在当然这个问题的答案是痛苦而显然易见的。The answer to that question is now, of course, painfully apparent.

女孩子若穿著痛死人的尖头鞋可能不在乎舒适的问题。The girl in the painfully pointy shoes may not care about comfort.