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替我挠挠头。Scratch my head.

刮擦测试。Do the scratch test.

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只是擦破了点油皮儿。It's only a scratch.

没有——不过划破了一点皮。No -- a mere scratch.

它会咬人或乱抓吗?Does it bite or scratch?

挠抓那些瘙痒的。Scratch where it itches.

汤姆搔搔头,想出一个好主意。The dog had a good scratch.

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哇哦,我能在你腿上挠痒痒唉!I can scratch my leg on yours.

你是否应该从零开始?Should you start from scratch?

嗯,我们在Scratch中看到了循环。Well, we saw loops in Scratch.

她的脚指甲不小心划到你了吗?。Did she scratch you by mistake?

他从烤果子奶油蛋糕白手起家。He baked the torte from scratch.

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他听到划火柴的声音。He heard the scratch of a match.

他假装搔耳朵。He pretended to scratch his ear.

有抓伤你的头硬笔。T have to scratch your head hard.

鸡爪印是楔形文字。The chicken scratch is cuneiform.

从草稿中建立一个新课程Creating a new course from scratch

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不在公共场合打嗝或搔痒Doesn't belch or scratch in public

他脸上有道深深的抓痕。He has a deep scratch on his face.

从头开始一起做小饼干。Bake cookies together from scratch.