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好一个痴癫的穴居男人。An insane cave man.

真是疯狂的一天!What an insane day!

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真那么想才是有病。But that was insane.

我们都有点疯狂。We're all a little insane.

医生确诊他精神失常。The doctor certified him insane.

你疯了不成?过来,马修…Are you insane?Come here, Marcel.

一次疯狂的冒险,法希想。An insane risk, Fache told himself.

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在这混乱的世界最明智的选择是。Sanest choice in this insane world.

我完全相信我的同行是神智不清了。I made sure my colleague was insane.

容格并不认为自己有精神病。Jung did not consider himself insane.

疯狂的南瓜雕刻——食肉动物。Insane pumpkin carving of the Predator.

这种回答听起来简直驴唇不对马嘴。It seemed such an insane answer to give.

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假如我再多捡一个尿布我就会疯掉。If I pin one more diaper I may go insane.

那封信使她妒忌得发疯。The letter made her insane with jealousy.

精神病医生正式证明她神经失常。The psychiatrist certified her as insane.

你的学问太大,反叫你癫狂了。Your great learning is driving you insane.

孤独和发狂包围着他的坟墓。While alone and insane incased in his tomb.

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蜂蜜色的短衣放浪的棕色头发。Honey colored shorty with insane brown hair.

但把他的病说成医学上的精神错乱是不对的。But to call him medically insane is not right.

对我唱月色撩人,吻我似心神俱失And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.