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加载紧固件。Load fastening.

井架的风载能力?Wind load capacity?

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这真是一堆废话啊。What a load of crap.

最大负荷七百三十九磅。Maximum Load 739 lbs.

最大负荷八八四磅。Maximum Load 884 lbs.

最大负荷一千○四十五磅。Maximum Load 1045 lbs.

这副重担把他压垮了。The load bowed him down.

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他们是一群笨蛋。They're a load of morons.

你这个该死的大笨蛋!They're a load of morons.

低负载级别能力。Low load level capability.

不要站在吊货杆下。Don't stand under the load.

减债将会造成伤害。Reducing that load will hurt.

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她解除了思想负担。She took a load off her mind.

救助艇的最大工作负荷是非曲直14KN。The mar working load is 14KN.

他的演讲词通篇是废话。His speech was a load of crap.

我想我会放上来一些的。So I guess I'll load some up !

你的学习任务怎样呢?学习负担重吗?So what about your study load?

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那就只好再接第二批货…That may take load number two.

那让我放下心中一大块石头.That takes a load off my mind.

他在重担下摇摇晃晃地走。He tottered under a heavy load.