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周继红半开玩笑地说道。Zhou Jihong said half jokingly.

我们经常戏称德闽是总理。We often jokingly call him “Prime Minister”.

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罗哈斯打趣的说,“这次是我运气好!”"I was lucky this time," Rojas said jokingly.

她开玩笑的叫她自己是我的业余夫妻。She jokingly called herself my part-time bedmate.

上海男人常被戏谑为“妻管严”。Shanghai men are jokingly called hen-pecked husbands.

我所能报告的是它的是一10号,他开玩笑地说。All I can report is it is a size 10, he said jokingly.

戈姆利向他欢呼,打趣地说示威者在做“暖场演出。”Gormley jokingly hailed the protestor as "a warm-up act".

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维拉尤达开玩笑地说,印尼“不能等得太久。”Mr.Wirajuda jokingly said Indonesia 'can't wait too long.

“我认识几个漂亮女人,”约翰昵开玩笑他说。"I know a few good-looking broads, " Johnny said jokingly.

在这里,轰鸣的列车噪音被戏称为”Folkston之音乐“。Here, the blasting train noises are jokingly called "Folkston music."

于冬将第一阶段打趣地称之为“低价倾销”。The first stage, according to Yu, is what he jokingly calls "dumping".

劳拉.布什开玩笑似的补充说她还正想又成为一个厨师呢。Laura Bush added jokingly that she is thinking of becoming a cook again.

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她们一直戏称宫科长为“老公”,叫顺了口。They have been jokingly Palace chief as "husband", called Shun of the mouth.

艾梅开玩笑问我想不想进去某个店铺里,我推辞了。Aime jokingly asked if I wanted to go into one of the places, but I declined.

我开玩笑提议汝将以撒献祭,汝便迫不急待来做。I jokingly suggest thou sacrifice Isaac and thou immediately runs out to do it.

我以开玩笑地方式唱起艾瑞莎富兰克林的“尊重”这一首歌。In a jokingly manner, I started singing the lyrics to Aretha Franklin's "Respect."

经营业户主要从事餐饮业经营,被百姓戏称“傻吃街”。They are engaged in catering business, and was jokingly called "silly eating street."

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美国导演詹姆斯·格雷大赞舒淇美丽,并开玩笑地向她求婚。US film director James Gray praised her beauty and jokingly proposed marriage to her.

弗农姨父挖苦式地试图在飞毯和魔法师之间建立联系。Uncle Vernon jokingly makes a stab at a connection between magic carpets and wizards.

他曾对一位常光顾其旅店的女顾客说,她体重年年增长,店里要对像她这样的胖人收取额外的费用。He told her jokingly he would soon start charging her an extra fee for being so heavy.