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这种方法也适用于抛物面和双曲面。This method can also be used for paraboloid and hyperboloid.

在当抛物面与xy平面相交的地方就停止积分。I should stop integrating where my paraboloid hits the xy plane.

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当然这是因为没给出抛物面的的正方向。Of course, I didn't tell you which way I am orienting my paraboloid.

可以看到图像,是一个向下的抛物面。And, so, we saw that the graph is this paraboloid pointing downwards.

这里介绍的一种自动折叠抛物面天线,可以进行快速架撤,满足雷达高机动要求。In this paper, one kind of auto-folding paraboloid antenna is studied.

偏置抛物面无线在小口径天线中得到了广泛的应用。Offset paraboloid antenna has widely been utilized in small aperture antennas.

本文介绍了一个鞍形单层网壳的模型试验。This paper describes the model test of a hyperbolic paraboloid latticed shell.

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推出椭圆抛物面的几条性质,得到一些新的结果。In this paper, some new conclusions about the properties of elliptic paraboloid are introduced.

利用弯曲成形法制作磨具是进行抛物面零件高速研磨加工的新方法。High speed lapping of the paraboloid work-piece with the lapping tool by bending is a new method.

单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。The authors show that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces.

采用最小二乘法来对变形后的天线有限元节点进行抛物面拟合。And use the least squares technique to paraboloid fitting the finite element node on the distorted antenna.

设计了旋转抛物面接收光锥,从而大大提高了分析仪的信噪比。A rotating paraboloid receiving cone of light is designed, which can enhance the signal-to-noise radio of the analyzer.

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大型抛物面天线由于其自身的结构特点,往往难以快速架撤。In fact, it is difficult to achieve that for most large paraboloid antennas because of their structural characteristics.

就是这它了,如果你继续跟着法向量看,会看到它们实际上,指向上并且指向抛物面里。It is this guy.If you continue to follow your normal vector, see, they are actually pointing up and into the paraboloid.

这是不太看得见的,但当与良好抛物面及同口径的比较时,其较为低劣是相当明显。This is not quite observable but when comparing to a well made paraboloid of same aperture, its inferiority is quite obvious.

为了加速半像素搜索,提出了一种基于抛物面预测的半像素快速搜索算法。The efficiency of the half pixel search is improved by using a paraboloid prediction based fast half pixel motion estimation algorithm.

该装置由离轴抛物面反射镜、十字靶标、背景光源、图像采集装置及其它附件组成。The system is composed of off-axle paraboloid reflector, cross line target, background light, imaging collecting system and other devices.

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采用针尖的旋抛物面模型,给出了表面生成的负离子在针尖场中飞行的动力学方程,并用数值方法求解。Adopting paraboloid model of tip surface, presented the dynamics equation of negative ion flight in tip field and solve it with numerical method.

但我真正想要的只是,抛物面和xy平面所谓立体的体积,所以只看在xy平面上方的图像。But let's say really what I wanted was just the volume between the paraboloid and the xy plane, so looking only at the part of it that sits above the xy plane.

研究采动裂隙椭抛带的基本性质及其采空区瓦斯运移的规律,可以采取有效措施进行瓦斯治理。Identifying the basic properties of mining fissure elliptic paraboloid zone and gas delivery law governing goaf represents an effective measure to control gas.