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燎祭之典后被周族人所承袭并有所增益。"Liao sacrifice"was inherited anddeveloped by Zhou clansman.

我们能够为正在努力的胡姓族人做些什么?Can we be surnamed what does the clansman do for diligent Hu?

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该贺奖只限于本公司注册之宗亲们申请。Only registered clansman are eligible to apply for the award.

粤东梅州客家人有较强的宗族观念,聚族而居,围屋而住。The Hakka in Meizhou have very strong clansman concept, living together.

蒙古族服饰是蒙古族的族徽,它对族人有凝聚力的作用。Mongolian costume is the Mongolian "mark" which has the cohesion function for the clansman.

林林带众绿色木族人顿时分散开来,投入城内。The Ling Ling brings the green wooden clansman to disperse immediately and enter into the city.

号角声呜呜响起,上万的蓝色族人顿时静了下来。The toot hum resounds, the up to ten thousand blue color clansman has been static immediately down.

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这样的话,卜启丘一家就会以本家族的人之死为理由而在索洛佐身上采取报复行动。In this case the Bocchicchios would take their vengeance on Sollozzo as the cause of their clansman 's death.

而这一切都很好的体现了布希族人的团结友爱、乐于助人的优良品质。Butall these very good manifested the Bush clansman 's unity friendlyaffection, has been glad helps person's good quality.

大德!阿槃提国有称为隶犀达多之良家子,乃吾等未见之友,而已出家。尊者曾见彼否?。There is, venerable sir, a clansman from Avanti named Isidatta, an unseen friend of mine, who has gone forth. Have you ever seen him?

家庭宗族是我国基层社会的细胞,是反映基层社会关系的一面镜子。The family clansman is cell of our country grass-roots unit society , is to reflect a mirror of grass-roots unit human relations in society.

两人不同的人生历程充分体现了齐武帝时重文抑武的宗王政策。Emperor Wu's clansman policy emphasizing literature and restricting military force is embodied by the two people's different life experiences.

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清宗室苏努全家虔诚地信奉天主教,这在雍正统治期间是禁止的,因此,苏努一族受到严厉的惩处。The imperial clansman Su Nu's family members got a severe penality in the reign of Emperor Yongzheng because they believed piously in Catholism.

清洗完毕,大家都舒服的坐在湖边,四周看看,刚才还为数不少的蓝木族人不知道都跑到哪里去了。After the clean washing finished, everybody all comfortable seat in the bund, all around has a look, some blue clansman all ran to where place a moment ago.

四队人马集中在空地中央,周围的蓝色族人同时吆喝起来,气氛异常热烈。Four rows troops concentrate to center of the open area, at the same time the periphery blue color clansman call out and the atmosphere exceptionally is warm.

蓝色木族人并没有因为我是外族人而难为我,反而非常鼓励我参赛。The blue color wooden clansman do not give difficulty to me because I am other families person, instead they extremely encourage me to participate the competition.

作为一种新模式,还有待完善,在注意避免被宗族势力把持的同时还应逐步建立相应的经济基础。As a new pattern, we need some time to perfect it and we should build the relevant economic basis, while paying attention to avoid dominating by clansman influences.

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在封建制度下,家庭宗族作为封建政权的重要补充和延伸形式,成为基层社会的自治单位。Under feudal system, the family clansman is important complement and stretching form of feudalism regime , becomes the autonomous rule of grass-roots unit society unit.

蓝色的族人并没有因为我们的出现而产生过多的惊讶,而是都流露出质朴的笑容,作出一副欢迎的样子。The blue color clansman have not produced excessively many surprised because of ours appearance, but all reveals the plain smiling face, and makes a welcome the appearance.

十一年来,石壁客家祖地文化园区共接待国内、外客家宗亲和游客共60多万人次。Over the past 11 years, the Hakka progenitor land culture garden in Shibi has totally received more than 600000 visitors and imperial clansman of Hakkas both at home and abroad.