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他完全没有神经。He’s totally without neurosis.

如果我们感到焦虑。That's when we experience neurosis.

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这是一种自给自足的神经官能症。It is a neurosis which feeds upon itself.

见于神经质儿童、癫痫和神经官能症。See at jumpy children, epilepsy and neurosis.

他主修的是神经官能症的治疗。He is majoring in the treatment of medical neurosis.

精神官能症就是起源于那个原初情感情境。The neurosis arose from the original affective situations.

他晚年可能患有某种神经症或精神病。He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.

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其临床主要见于神经官能症和抑郁症。Insomnia mainly belongs to neurosis and involutional syndrome.

神经症中则以焦虑性神经症最易引起阳痿。In neurosis cause the most easily with angst sex neurosis impotent.

方法采用自拟解郁汤治疗抑郁性神经症84例。Method Apply self-made Jieyu Tang to 84 cases of depressive neurosis.

结论曲唑酮治疗焦虑性神经症安全有效,副作用小。ConclusionTrazodone is a safe and efficient drug for anxiety neurosis.

神经官能症本质上是由来自不愚蠢人的愚蠢行为组成的。Neurosis essentially consists of stupid behavior by non-stupid people.

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这是我们时代的神经症——我认可这一说法。I should not object if this were called the general neurosis of our age.

这类表现则不属于疑病性神经症。This kind of expression does not belong to hypochondriasis sex neurosis.

目的研究光量子血疗对神经症的治疗作用。Objective To study the effects of light quantum blood therapy on neurosis.

你的恋母情结写满了你的灵魂——好一个可怜的神经病。Your Oedipal complex is written all over your soul — such a petty neurosis.

目的探讨门诊森田疗法对神经症的疗效。Objective To evaluate outpatient Morita therapy on the efficacy of neurosis.

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结论自拟解郁汤治疗抑郁性神经症疗效显著。Conclusion Self-made Jieyu Tang has good therapeutic effect on depressive neurosis.

环顺转者易于发生心脏神经官能症。Cases with clockwise horizontal plane T loop may easily suffer from cardiac neurosis.

结论加强心理治疗是促进性病神经症患者康复的主要有效途径。Conclusion Strengthed mental treatments can effectively help to treat venereal neurosis.