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这条路已接近完工。The road is near completion.

我有一总如释重负的感觉。I have a sense of completion.

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本人只支付十佳完成。I pay on top10 completion only.

这座大楼差不多快完工了。The building is nearing completion.

每一个路径都正在完成当中。Each path is worked on to completion.

追去的经历完成了。Pursue that experience to completion.

在生产完成的情况下结束车间工作单。Close shop work order upon completion.

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完美主义是你完成任务的大敌。Perfectionism is the enemy of completion.

上完成的一切权利去给我。Up on completion all rights go over to me.

不要等待,言周查或者阻碍完成。Do not wait, poll, or block for completion.

印刷、压线、修边一次完成。Printing, pressure lines, Edge, a completion.

努力把每个工程都建成样板工程。To the completion of each project model works.

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印度将有更多的核电机组邻近完工。Further reactors are nearing completion in India.

割缝衬管完井的情况与射孔完井类似。It's similar situation to the slotted completion.

是啊。期待着这座跨海大桥早日通车吧。The early completion of this transoceanic bridge.

先看看阿三国有多少计划,然后有多少按时实现了的。B R V R Looking for the completion of this project.

上主安居于你内,你的圆满就在他内。God dwells within, and your completion lies in Him.

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嗯,我正在完成我的博士论文。H'm , I just at completion my doctoral dissertation.

九所象征的是完成或者转变。What is symbolized by 'nine' is completion or shift.

为每一项独立的任务设定完成日期。Decide on a completion date for each individual task.