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错误的开始,对的结束。Start wrong , It may get righter.

我多对多的时候,也处理的蛮好的。I am much righter much when, the pretty that also handles is good.

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然后尽量向右转头,点头三次。Then turning head righter as far as possible, nodding three times.

他们将有一个合适的选择进入大学。And thus they will have a righter choice about going into which college.

对很多的广告营销人来说,他们需要更多的实践。For a lot of righter advertisement sale person, they need more practice.

但是这种说法对很多的网站是毫无意义的。But the website with this kind of a lot of righter statement is without a meaning.

由于商业秘密一旦被泄露或被他人盗用,就会给权利人造成无法估量的损失。As long as trade secrets are let out or stolen by others, the righter will loss a lot.

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在实践层面,诉讼时效起算对权利人的权利影响深远。From the practice level, Litigation Prescription Starting has a far-reaching effect to the rights of righter.

为了应对这一局面,著作权人纷纷采取技术措施加强对作品的控制。In response to this situation, the righter have to take technical measures to strengthen the control of the work.

作为新掘起一代的带头人,亚裔发明家可以凭借他们在习惯和语言上的优势,与关键的太平洋沿岸市场建立起更加牢固的联系。As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge righter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets.

刚刚过去的2008年对很多中小企业而言是一场危机,国际上市场萎缩,海外订单大幅消减。What just go is a lot of righter 2008 a crisis is medium and small businesses, the market on international is atrophic, overseas order for goods considerably pare.

网络上存在着大量的虚假、不实信息,甚至是欺诈行为,我们密切关注,也对一些非法行为进行了查处。There is much false, disloyal information on the network, it is fraudulent action even, we pay close attention to closely, a few righter also tortious undertook investigating.

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但知识产权许可时,权利人可能会滥用知识产权,垄断或企图非法维持垄断,损害竞争和创新。When be licensing, the righter may abuse his right, monopolize or attempt to maintain illegally monopolization, which may bring the bane with creative, competition and social public.