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他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.

这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.

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创造力是人类最高层次的思维境界。Creativity is the tiptop administrative levels thinking.

早优-号单荚质量和总产量最高。The quality per legumen and yields of Zaoyou No. 1 was tiptop.

给我一双滴乾的、整洁的、最好的短袜作礼物。Give me the gift of a pair of drip-dry , shipshape, tiptop socks.

当你爱一个人,心里想的是如何让他快乐的生活。To love someone is to let him feel happy. That's the tiptop of love.

科学主义是一种视科学为唯一与最高标准的社会思潮。Scientism is a social thought that takes science as only and tiptop standard.

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我想他有那种一流理发师所应具备的一切素质。From my point of view, he got everything it entails to become a tiptop barber.

根据计算结果,得出挥发分与活化能和最大失重速率峰温的函数关系。The function relations of volatile and E and volatile and tiptop temperature of pyrolysis.

2002年成为当年的“总统自由勋章”的获得者,这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。Won the "president freedom honor" in 2002, it's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.

他作为自豪的指挥者,时刻让这艘老船保持一流的状态、和光彩照人的外表。He's a proud captain of this old steamer, and makes sure that it's in tiptop shape and polished up.

名老中医的学术思想是中医学的宝贵财富,代表着中医学术发展的最高水平。The academic thinking of the prominent TCM doctors is the fortune of TCM. It is the tiptop of TCM academic development.

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人世五大范畴排序凝聚了人类社会的最高智慧,寄托了人类社会的长远理想。Building a system for these five categories is an old idea agglomerating tiptop wisdom in whole world for human society.

现任锋尚国际房地产开发有限公司董事长,中华人民共和国注册房地产估价师。The current Tiptop International Real Estate Development Co. , Ltd. , Chairman, Peoples Republic of certified real estate appraiser.

而中国工程塑料工业协会是国内最高水准的行业机构,并在行业间开展国际交流与合作!The sponsor CEPIA is the tiptop organization in China, and advances international communications and cooperations in inter-industries.

其中,善良意志是绝对的自在的善,它通过普遍有效的道德法则实现“人为自己立法”,并趋向作为最高道德理想的“至善”。As for Kant, all his ethics is built on the holy good will and the innate moral laws and tend to the tiptop moral idea the highest good.

太极是用来统一阴阳、五行观念的最高范畴,它既是自然的本体,又是自然的存在样式。Taiji, which is not only the nature noumenon but also the nature modality, is the tiptop category to unionize the idea of Yinyang and Wuxing.

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学习个性的核心品质是学生学习的创造能力,因为它是学生学习个性发展的最高表现和最高层次。The core nature of learning individuality is learners' creativity in learning, since it is the tiptop manifestation of learners' individuality development.

在封闭曝气养殖水体内研究罗非鱼的密度制约作用和小球藻的影响,发现罗非鱼苗的最高生物量为4。Studies the density restriction of tilapia in the closed aeration culture water and the chlorella influence, find that the tiptop biomass of tilapia fry was 4.

区域经济金融合作的最高境界就是完全的经济一体化,这已成为当代世界一股不可阻挡的潮流。The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration, which has became the historic tide in the present world.