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它是一个很好的纪念品。It's a good keepsake.

请收下这个戒指作为信物。Please have this ring for a keepsake.

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请收下这枚戒指作为信物。Please have this ring for a keepsake.

这将会是一份很好的纪念品。This will be a great keepsake for him.

他将这些鹿角煮干净之后并把它们留作了纪念品。He boiled them clean to save as a keepsake.

在办公桌上放一张照片或纪念品。Keep a pboilingo or keepsake on your board.

我想他们会喜欢将它作为纪念品。I think they'll like to have it as a keepsake.

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把一具尸体塞进戒指,永久保存。A body into a finger-ring for a keepsake forever.

传统的折纸纪念品盒四格。Traditional origami keepsake box with four compartments.

我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念。My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.

我想您也许会希望把他作为一种纪念品吧。I thought you'd lIke to have him, perhaps, as a sort of keepsake.

花竹帽是毛南族青年的传情之物,是毛南族的象征,被誉为毛南族的“族宝”。Maonan bamboo hat is the keepsake of youth, it is a symbol of Maonan.

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为了纪念的目的,我们将根据您的要求将原来的打火机退回给您。Upon request the original lighter will be returned, unrepaired , for keepsake purposes.

但是我们中的大多数人至少会保留一件纪念品,以此来纪念我们曾经伟大的爱情。But most of us hold on to at least one keepsake to remind us of our once-grand passions.

现在,这本书是一个纪念和历史的一部分,我将它传给我的孩子。Now, that book is a keepsake and a part of history, and I will pass it on to my children.

2008年奥运会将在我们国家举办。我非常自豪非常开心。它是一个很好的纪念品。The 2008 Olympics will be held in our country. I'm very proud and happy. It's a good keepsake.

世界上最伟大的文学作品,现已在这些美丽的纪念品册。The world's greatest works of literature are now available in these beautiful keepsake volumes.

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他鼓励他们参加宁家地产拍卖和买一个特别的纪念品。He encourages them to attend the Channing familys estate auction and to buy a particular keepsake.

使用好的固定在情人节得到页捆在一起可以作纪念。Use nice stationary and after Valentine’s Day get the pages bound together so it can be a keepsake.

而传统的风俗中包括新郎剪下新娘的一小撮头发作为信物。The oldcustom includes a ritual of the groom cutting off a tiny part of the bride'shair for keepsake.