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他们振奋精神迎接考验。They manned themselves for an ordeal.

我和朋友在照应展销会上的这个摊点。My friends and I manned the booth at the fair.

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载人航天飞行成功实现。Manned spaceflights were successfully conducted.

在20个临时工作站,只有两个配备了工作人员。Of the 20-odd workstations, only two are manned.

机舱有人监控还是由驾驶台控制?。Is engine-room manned or is engine on bridge control?

法国士兵把守着首都的各路关卡。French soldiers manned roadblocks in the capital city.

无载人保护的升降台严禁载人。In 5, no manned protection lifting platform no manned.

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今天我国第一架载人航天飞机发射成功。This morning China launched the first manned spacecraft.

他说这也就是他赞成进行载人航天飞行的原因。That was why he is favour of manned space flight, he said.

会所是否在整个营业时段内都配备人员?Does the Club need to be manned during all operating hours?

1972年,阿波罗17号执行的最后一次载人登月任务成为绝响。The last manned mission to the moon was Apollo 17, in 1972.

因为王的船只与希兰的仆人一同往他施去。The king had a fleet of trading ships manned by Hiram's men.

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机舱是人工操纵或驾驶台遥控主机吗?Is the engine-room manned or is the engine on bridge control?

发生航天发射诡异事件的第一个高峰就在人类的头几次载人航天活动上。The pinnacle of manned space oddities may be one of the first.

那么无人机是否可能完全替代人工驾驶的战斗机?Might UAVs eventually replace manned combat aircraft altogether?

我们的租赁热线是一天24小时,一年365天提供服务的。Our Central Help Desk is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

中国发展返回式重复使用的飞船式航天器是适宜的。It is appropriate for China to develop reusable manned space capsule.

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它应该怎样进行部署来抵抗日益增长的德国军力呢?。How was it to be manned against the evergrowing German military power?

中国并没有同美国竞赛看谁能在月球上建成一座驻军的军事基地。China is not racing us to establish a manned military station on the moon.

历史上,人造最快的飞行器阿波罗10号能达到每小时25,000英里。The fastest manned vehicle in history was Apollo 10. It reached 25, 000mph.