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她是个妇科医生。She is a gynecologist.

我爸就想让我和他一样当个妇科医生。My father wanted me to be a gynecologist like him.

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女人需要定时去看妇科医生做检查。Women need regular checkups with their gynecologist.

阿奴回到妇科医生那里打掉了胎儿。Anu returned to her gynecologist and aborted the fetus.

我无法确信是一个转移性肿瘤,妇科医生同意,也表示理解。I am not sure of that. Gynecologist agree and understood.

我建议病人立即去看妇科医生。I suggested the patient see the gynecologist immediately.

或给你推荐一个妇科医生QQ号,你去问吧。Or recommend bugle call of QQ of a gynecologist to you, you go asking.

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我需要找妇科的刘医生看病,你能帮我吗?Can you help me? I have to see Professor Liu and she is a gynecologist.

做了多年的妇产科医生,我诊断过的病例不计其数。Having been gynecologist for many years, I have diagnosed a lot of cases.

凯格尔运动是由一位名叫阿诺凯格尔的妇科医师首次在1951年所提出。Kegel exercises were first described by Dr Arnold Kegel, gynecologist in 1951.

第二天早上,乌美医院的资深妇科医生德赛医生来看卢卡莎娜。The next morning, Dr. Desai, a senior gynecologist at Umaid, came to see Ms. Ruksana.

哪位妇科医生能告诉我小腹经常疼痛,月经也不规律,怎么办?。Which gynecologist can tell me alvine often ache, menstruation also not the rule, how to do?

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当你咨询你家庭医生时,他可能会建议你去找妇科医生。While you may initially see your family physician, he or she may refer you to a gynecologist.

如果你发现了身上有难闻的气味,或者你认为自己得了传染病,马上去看医生、或者妇科医生。If you notice a bad smell or think you may have an infection, see a doctor or gynecologist right away.

一旦出现了这些症状,就应当预约妇科医生进行检查和治疗。Once appear, these symptoms, you should make an appointment gynecologist for examination and treatment.

姓氏的首字母命名的,他是一名以研究女性生殖器闻名的妇产科医生。The G-spot is named after Dr. Ernst Grafenberg, a gynecologist known for his research on female genitalia.

1983年,妇产科医生哈瓦•阿迪在索马里首都摩加迪沙成立了一家只有一间斗室的诊所。Hawa Abdi is an obstetrician and gynecologist who in 1983 established a one-room clinic near Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

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妇产科医生常常以官颈外口的形态判断产妇是否曾经生育。Gynecologist judges the parturient woman frequently by the official neck collar extension's shape whether once to give birth.

还有一个跟我一样都是妇科医生的同窗说她基本上每天都要引荐10个以上的病人用。There is also a gynecologist like me is basically a classmate said she was recommending every day with more than 10 patients.

1978年7月25日,胚胎学家罗伯爱德华兹以及妇产科医生派区克史戴普托即将永远改变现代医学的样貌。It's July 25, 1978, and embryologist Robert Edwards and gynecologist Patrick Steptoe are about to change the face of modern medicine forever.