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这件工作将于冬天停止。The job will discontinue in the winter.

这份杂志将于下周停刊。This magazine will discontinue next week.

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必要时可减少ACEI剂量或中止使用。If necessary, reduce ACEI dose or discontinue.

双相障碍的女患者应该中止服药吗?Should bipolar women discontinue their medication?

如果停止或过敏发生重叠。Discontinue if superinfection or hypersensitivity occurs.

世界卫生组织保留在任何时候终止这一服务的权利。WHO reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time.

在女友艾丽森的坚持下马特终于同意。In cummer Ai Lisen hold to discontinue to agree eventually especially.

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祈祷鞋制造商没有中断你跑步鞋的制造!And pray that the shoe manufacturer doesn't discontinue your running shoe!

2009年,劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家安全公司宣称随时有权利停止福利。In 2009, L. L. N. S. claimed the right to discontinue benefits at any time.

有治疗-相关肺炎诊断患者中永远终止。Permanently discontinue in patients diagnosed with treatment-related pneumonitis.

当指示,暂时停止,减低剂量,或永远终止XALKORI。Temporarily suspend, dose reduce, or permanently discontinue XALKORI as indicated.

这时候也可以谈谈节育以及停止节育的事情。This is also a great time to discuss birth control and when and how to discontinue it.

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使用后若经量异常,请立即停止使用并送医治疗。Discontinue use immediately upon unusual loss of menstrual blood and seek medical advice.

通济隆始终保有解释、修正、修改或中止本次活动的权利。Travelex reserves the right to explain, amend, modify or discontinue the offer at any time.

如果使用者在操作气瓶阀时有困难,需停止使用,并与供应商联系。If user experiences any difficulty operating cylinder valve discontinue use and contact supplier.

大多数公司会尽快停止对老版本操作系统的支持。Most companies look to discontinue support for their older operating systems as soon as they can.

在一小块皮服上进行一下试用,24小时后假如有不良反应,不要继续使用。Test on a small area of skin, wait 24 hours and if irritation occurs, wash off and discontinue use.

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糖尿病人应立即停止批号为8的快速胰岛素设备的使用。"Patients should discontinue using 'Lot 8' Quick-set infusion sets, " states a Medtronic news release.

你会知道何时停止某些媒体和出版物,以及何时在其他广告形式上投入更多资金等。You'll know when to discontinue certain media and publications and when to pump more money into others.

但随着通用汽车公司决定停止庞蒂克品牌,该公司决定停止销售盛传。But with GM's decision to discontinue the Pontiac brand, the automaker decided to stop selling the Vibe.