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文中补遗描述部分腕足类属种。This is an addendum to the book.

第三,对土地添附物进行保护。Third, protect land adding an addendum.

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我的意思是是他叫做补充说明的附录。I mean an addendum which he called postscript.

这是昨天日记的补遗。This is an addendum to yesterday's diary entry.

这,也许是对1万小时训练规则的极好补遗。This is a nice addendum to the 10,000 hour rule.

量子理论并不只是一个深奥的附录。The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum.

您还可以指定附录条款或文档。You can also specify addendum terms or documentation.

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多页履历可在第二页之后采用附录形式。Multiple-page resumes can use addendum pages after page two.

你可以用它们作为简历附录或者用在求职信中。You can use these as a résumé addendum or for your cover letter.

本补遗建议包括两个新上下文“基本业务”及“线路标识”。This Addendum covers the two news contexts "basic service" and "line identity".

介绍经纪人需要说明费用的独立附录,并经客户签署。A separate addendum is required by the IB indicating fees and signed by the customer.

本合同的附录是本合同不可分割的一部分。The Addendum is to form an integral part and shall not be separated from the contract.

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使用附录可定义要使用哪个业务流程和配置。Use an addendum to define which business process and configuration you want to utilize.

拉深方向确定之后,对汽车覆盖件进行工艺补充。After the drawing direction has been created, the addendum of auto-body panels will be added.

同时,认真做好补漏调查,确保统计指标客观、真实。At the same time, do well addendum investigation earnestly, assure statistic targets objective and true.

一开始我就上升了好几个位置,在2号弯从外圈超过了维特尔。From the very beginning I rose several positions, bent in 2 from the addendum circle has surpassed Vetter.

齿形的几何计算可避免内齿圈齿顶与行星轮齿根发生干涉。Gear shape is calculated and interference of planetary gear dedendum and internal gear addendum is avoided.

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自己编的小程序,主要是用来进行租书管理,也可用于其他方面。Own small addendum to the proceedings, mainly used for rent book management, can also be used for other aspects.

未能更新协议0。无法为活动的协议更改协议附录业务流程。Failed to update the agreement, 0. Agreement addendum business processes cannot be changed for active agreements.

从某种意义上来衡量我们每个人认真面对的艺术工作,都可视为“补遗”。It can be regarded as "addendum" that we, in a sense, weigh the artistic job which everyone of us earnestly faces.