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主位研究视角下的彝族文化真实。Yi cultural reality from the viewpoint of emic research.

在通常情况下,离主位近的位子高于距主位远的位子。Normally, from emic nearly seat from emic far above the table.

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主客位研究视野中的彝族世界。The Yi world in the field of vision of emic and etic research.

主位研究的言说方式和民族认同。The speech style of emic research and the question of ethnic consciousness.

着位法和语言法可能是怎样在家庭研究的进程中反映出来的呢?How might the emic and etic approaches be reflected in the study of family processes?

今天,你可能需要看看商业等替代延伸,前主位网络。Today, you might need to look at commercial alternatives such as Continuent, the former Emic Networks.

重建这一群体的叙说需要性别敏感、比较视角、国际视野和主体叙事。Reconstructing this group's narratives needs gender sensitivity, comparative study, global perspective, and emic approach.

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因此,在探讨空间形成力量之前,研究者应该在主位与客位的视角之间做出选择。Therefore the researcher should make the choice between emic and etic approaches before he makes a study of the power of forming sphere.

在排定用餐位次时,主位一般应请女主人就座,而男主人则须退居第二主位。When dining seating arrangement in scheduled, emic generally should please the hostess, male host sit back while the second principal shall place.

从历史的视角探究了主位研究的起源,并介绍了主位研究在文化心理学中的应用,展望了其发展的动向。The paper has explored the origin of emic approach viewed from the history, and defined emic approach, then generalized the basic feature of emic approach.

如果研究者的调查问卷是以‘位’的形式做的话,那么他们所关心的问题只是对他们所研究的那些文化或种族群体有意义。If researchers construct a questionnaire in an emic fashion, their concern is only that the questions are meaningful to the particular culture or ethnic group being studied.

论文选择凉山彝族精英岭光电和曲木藏尧为研究个案,分析20世纪前半期现代学术背景下的彝族主位研究。This article chooses the Yi elites Leng Guangdian and Qumo Zangyao as case studies to analyze Yi emic research against the background of scholarship of the early 20th century.

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笔者采用了人种志研究方法,以一个局内人的身份参与到两名高中英语教师的日常教学中,收集和分析各种动态的质性数据。Following the ethnographic methodology, the writer participates in two senior high school English teachers' daily practice in an emic way and analyses various dynamic qualitative data.

就教育研究来说,这意味着从主位视角和客位视角等多角度来看待教育问题,借以激发对教育问题的新颖理解和看法。Therefore, they argued a multi-perspective theory and emphasized the original perspective. As to education research, it means viewing educational problems by emic and etic perspectives.

医生为当事人进行婚检,当发现其中一方患有性病等疾病时,告知是否会涉及到隐私权与知情权的问题,就隐私权与知情权的冲突与协调问题进行了探讨。A small scale study has been implemented to investigate the practitioner's perceptions on such ethical issues as informed consent, emic and etic perspectives, and the ownership of research data.