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想知道如何拼写assiduous吗?Want to know how to spell assiduous?

他的博学来自他的刻苦钻研。His erudition comes from his assiduous study.

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他是该队最勤恳努力的队员之一。He is one of the most assiduous members of the team.

我相信经过刻苦的努力,我的英语说的非常流利。I believed after the assiduous endeavor, I able to speak english fluently.

大学期间,我努力学习,刻苦钻研,取得了良好的学习成绩。With my hard and assiduous study, I have achieved good academic achievements.

我知道这个硕士学位代表着你多年来的勤奋学习和辛苦工作。I know the degree of master meant many years of assiduous study and hard work.

特别的三钮扣设计。两位主脑为了创作呕心沥血、互相撕杀的场面出现了!Special button-up design in raglan. Abilities and Assiduous of Two mastermind are appear !

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他们都有良知而诲人不倦的,历为他们都尊重他们的工作。They are all conscientious and assiduous in their teachings, because they respect their work.

唐宁街10号在结交议会党团时,其自身应当更虚心尽职。Number 10 itself needs to be more humble and assiduous in cultivating the parliamentary party.

朋友是一个勤快人,院里常常收拾得干干净净,寸草不生。My friend was an assiduous man, So he often kept the courtyard clean and tidy without any weed.

只要勤奋耕耘,持之以恒,最终一定会有好的回报。As long as assiduous and cultivated, perserve, final and regular meeting has good get one's own back.

工作踏实诚恳、勤奋刻苦钻研业务、工作热情,团结同事。Work dependably sincere, diligence assiduous delve into business, work enthusiasm, solidify a colleague.

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“建设21世纪中国生活居住示范区”是华侨城孜孜以求的目标。"Building the 21st Century Chinese live demonstration zone" is the overseas Chinese town assiduous goal.

我为人忠于职守,勤奋努力,善于组织人力,并且总能按期完成任务。I am a committed and assiduous worker, good at organizing people and always capable of meeting deadlines.

一匣匣线装书,都是龙彼得廿、卅年来苦心蒐罗的成果。Professor van der Loon 's numerous books are the fruits of twenty or thirty years of assiduous collecting.

年幼丧母,在父亲的指教下刻苦攻读,童试入学为生员。Young mother, at his father's advice under the assiduous study, children living member of trial enrollment.

科莱特正处于她轻浮的年龄,这对一个勤勉而富有的男人来说并不适合。Colette is at the flirtatious age and has little use for a suitor who is too assiduous and far too possessive.

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他勤奋、刻苦,著作等身,在学界有一定的知名度。Zhang Bing is a scholar in ancient literature in Fudan University, who is diligent and assiduous all his life.

他只上过几年学,全靠刻苦自学和艰辛劳动成为知名作家。He has only been through the school years, thanks to assiduous self-study and hard work to become famous writers.

他用了五年的时间,勤奋地写作诗歌,但在二十七岁时,毅然转向小说。For five years he assiduous ly practised writing poetry but when he was twenty-seven he turned definitely to fiction.