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这就是为什么他要用“长劲”来证明他的男子气概。The penile power was a way to prove his manhood.

目的探索一种新的尿道下裂手术方法。ObjectiveTo investigate new methods of treatment for penile hypospadias.

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首先,你知道有张全球小弟长度分布图的存在嘛?First of all, did you know there was a global penile length distribution map?

同时对于正常人群,此方法也能达到改善外观及功能的作用。This kind of operation may also make penile appearance and function better for normal person.

研究人员在巴西当地对18到80岁的432个男性做了调查研究,其中118个患有**癌。Researchers studied 432 men between 18 and 80 years old in rural Brazil, 118 of whom had penile cancer.

这种疗法还在试验以治疗其他癌症。Experimentally it is being developed for brain, pancreatic, bile duct, vulval, penile and prostate cancers.

很多的研究显示那些造成男人阳萎不举最主要的原因是性器官缺乏血液的流量。Studies have shown that one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction is lack of blood to the penile area.

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ISAPS的这份报告对2013年的整形手术数量进行了统计。S. had the fewest penile enhancement surgeries, at only 61. The report tallies surgeries performed last year.

不会,包皮长时间处于冠状沟以下部分时,会自行退化萎缩,保持稳定的状态。Not, in a prolonged penile foreskin following section, shrinking its own degradation, and maintain a stable state.

方法采用放射配基结合实验和离体组织收缩功能实验。Method The rabbit penile corpus cavernosum was studied by using functional experiment and radioligand binding assay.

请好好观察我们的“小弟弟”或“小妹妹”,如此你才能猜到哪些词是指代它们。Also, please refer to our "vagina" and "penis" articles, so you can educate yourself on proper vaginal and penile terms.

他因对性器表征的解释而为人熟知,他认为某些建筑纪念碑,是潜意识中阴茎表征的展现。he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations.

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手术组中,医师们先以局部麻醉,再使用消毒的外科手术法进行前包皮的切除。In the intervention group, medical physicians removed the penile foreskin after administering local anesthetic and using sterile surgical procedures.

比如,他非常著名是因为他对性象征的说明,讨论了特殊的建筑古迹被潜意识的发展为性的表征。For instance, he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations.

本研究主要是以企业所实行之供应链为研究标的,探讨影响组织供应链管理的相关因素。Myosin light chain kinase, Myosin light chain phosphatase, and Rho kinase are three important regulatory proteins that are involved in regulating penile erection.

一个对那些寻求小弟弟增大手术的男人的调查发现他们中的大多数的小弟弟尺寸在正常的范围里,尽管他们认为他们的小弟弟是不正常的细小。One study of men who were seeking penile enlargement surgery found that most of the men had penises that were in the average size range, despite their belief that they had unusually small penises.