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鱼叉有倒刺的顶端。The barbed tip of a harpoon.

鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以防上了钩的鱼逃走。A barbed metal hook used for catching fish.

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有些水域仅可使用无倒钩的单钩。Some waters only allow single non barbed hooks.

她的头发让刺钢丝篱笆给挂住了。Her hair was tangled up in the barbed wire fence.

巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf.

她的头发被刺钢丝篱笆给挂住了。Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence.

爱斯基摩人用尖鱼刺作箭的倒钩。The Eskimo barbed the arrows with pointed fish bones.

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这些带刺的话语,响亮地激荡着耳鼓。Barbed these words, it was loudly stirring the eardrum.

在这一项目中,挑战者需要在带刀片的铁丝网下爬行。They have to crawl under yards and yards of barbed wire.

那是一个装有倒钩的箭头,使用黄燧石做成的,做工精细。It is a barbed arrow-head, neatly chipped out of yellow flint.

今天,乌兹别克斯坦封锁了国境线,架起了五英尺的铁丝网。Today, Uzbek guards sealed the border, a 5ft barbed wire fence.

Lincoln将制服扔在铁丝网上,形成了一个安全的空隙。Lincoln throws the jumpsuits on the barbed wire, creating a gap.

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但是之后另一匹马的耳朵被尖锐的铁丝网勾住并扯断了。But then the other horse gets its ear ripped in a barbed wire fence.

这些带有倒刺的铁丝围栏是对恐怖过去的一种提醒。The barbed wire fences serve as a reminder of the horrors of the past.

他们用彩色蜡笔涂的墙壁的顶部布满了成卷的有刺铁丝。Their pastels colored walls are topped with large rolls of barbed wire.

你能用倒钩枪扎满它的皮,能用鱼叉叉满它的头吗。Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?

在后面的布拉格堡铁丝网活动继续分化的意见。Events behind the barbed wire at Fort Bragg continue to polarise opinion.

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毕格罗公司位于拉斯维加斯的工厂不但被铁丝网层层包围了起来,而且还有荷枪实弹的守卫在巡逻。The Las Vegas site is hemmed by barbed wire and patrolled by armed guards.

后来许呢嗯摧毁呼延周与他的长矛刺装甲骑兵。Later Xu Ning destroyed Huyan Zhou's armored cavalry with his barbed lances.

受刑者首先被带刺的铁丝网捆绑限制住,并在嘴里塞满破布。The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags.