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我第无数次向他解释我不支持这项法案的原因。I explained for the umpteenth time why I didn’t support the bill.

然而真正转折点是我经常上班迟到,还差点因此而丢了工作。The tipping point was when I nearly lost my job because I had gone in late, for the umpteenth time.

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由于感到难以下笔,她浏览了在线同义词词典,还在派恩河养马场的网页上逗留了很久。Still stumped, she browses an online thesaurus. She studies the Pine River Web site for the umpteenth time.

同时赞帕里尼再次确认阿毛里离尤文越来越近了。Meanwhile Zamparini has also confirmed for the umpteenth time that Amauri is extremely close to joining Juve.

光是想到尖端手机的无数次革新,我们就会感觉到一股不安的情绪涌遍全身。As we consider the umpteenth round of cutting-edge cellphone upgrades we feel a creeping unease settle over our shoulders.

他的射门很有威胁,可就像在本届世界杯上无数次上演的那样,布冯用一次漂亮的扑救挽救了意大利。His shot was well-struck, but for the umpteenth time at Germany 2006, Buffon came to Italy's rescue with a superb reflex save.

就像似上个星期,我第无穷次向它解释生皮骨头是它的而家具是我的。It seemed like just last week I was explaining to him for the umpteenth time that the rawhide bones were his and the furniture was mine.

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就像是上个星期,我第无数次向它解释生皮骨头是它的而家具是我的。It seemed like just last week I was explaining to him for the umpteenth time that the rawhide bones were his and the furniture was mine.

我们真的需要感谢我们的主席先生,他给娱乐我们无数次的经济上的强力支持。We owe our president a big thank you and in saying that I think I speak for all the fans in thanking him for an umpteenth economic effort.

我想如果在面对阿森纳时。卡卡和因扎吉能表现得更好,我们现在就能为我们第无数个欧洲冠军杯备战了。I only think that if in the week we faced Arsenal Kaká and Inzaghi were doing better, we could be preparing an umpteenth Champions League final.

对惠普而言,成功的距离还有很远,他们不仅必须以目前的半草根身份推出一款具备竞争力的产品,而且还需要确立一款新的产品平台。The bar for success is high for HP. It must not only show a compelling product in an area where it is the umpteenth player, it has to establish a new platform.

就像那天,在几个月来我无数次的看病之后,我的按摩师说道,问题是在澳大利亚,我们办事的先后次序是错的,而且还没有计划。As my chiropractor said the other day, after the umpteenth visit in the past few months, the trouble is, in Australia, our priorities are wrong and we don't plan.

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无数次碰了酒瓶之后,我说出了“居曼基”,这是由罗宾.威廉姆斯主演的一部不好不坏的电影,那时真是很滑稽。Clinking our bottles together for the umpteenth time, I proclaimed "Jumanji", the title of a mediocre film starring Robin Williams. It was quite funny at the time.

红黑军团的发挥过多的依赖于卡卡,这似乎预示着无数次的无功而返,就如同数月前典型的圣西罗之战。The Rossoneri's play, which was too reliant on Kaká's moves, seemed to have foreshadowed an umpteenth unprolific day, the typical San Siro match of a few months ago.

米兰的青训营在意大利仍处于领先地位,和帕尔马各享有帕洛斯基的一半所有权只是这个夏天的冰山一角,还有很夺关于年轻人转会的操作。Milan's youth sector remains at the summit of Italian football. The co-ownership deal with Parma for Alberto Paloschi is the umpteenth "young" operation of the Rossoneri's summer.

之后,随着逐渐降低的睾丸激素的分泌,他们大多数都会悉心照料他们的孩子--换尿布,逗弄着坐在他膝上的男女孩,一遍又一遍的讲着“晚安,月亮”。And the more he gets involved in caring for his children — changing diapers, jiggling the boy or girl on his knee, reading “Goodnight Moon” for the umpteenth time — the lower his testosterone drops.