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你能看到北斗七星吗?Can you see the great dipper ?

有没有南斗星?。Do have the south dipper star?

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你知道最大的星在哪里吗?Do you know where the big dipper is ?

许多明亮的星星,形成北斗星。Many bright stars make the big Dipper.

那是大熊座还是小熊座?Is that the Big Dipper or the little one?

明镜当台列像殊,一一面南看北斗。Each one faces south to see the northern dipper.

春哥就像北斗星,指着我们向前走。You are the Big Dipper that guide us to move forward.

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夏天晴夜,旅行的人可根据北斗星辨明方向。On a fine summer night travellers can go by the Dipper.

每天夜里,骆驼向北斗星的方向慢慢地行走。The camel walked forward by the direction of the dipper.

孤独时,家是黑夜里的北斗,是沙漠中的绿洲。Lonely, home is dark, the big dipper oasis in the desert.

看一看你能不能找到天上的北斗星座和小北斗星座!See if you can find the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.

“我必须上路了。”他将长勺交还妮可。I must be on my way. " He handed the dipper back to Nikol."

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今晚午夜十分的星空,大熊座也称北斗七星,映入我们眼帘。Tonight's chart shows the Big Dipper for around mid evening.

留意点就会发现北极星就位于小熊座在手柄位置的末端。North Star is the end star in the handle of the Little Dipper.

上古时代,天上的北斗七星突然被怪物藏匿起来。In ancient times, the Big Dipper was hidden by a monster suddenly.

再者,在中国人的宇宙观中,北斗七星高悬于昆仑上之上。Also, in Chinese cosmology, the Big Dipper hangs above Mount Kunlun.

在八月的夜晚北斗星将移动至天空的西北方向。The Big Dipper pops out into your northwestern sky on August evenings.

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最大众也最为传统的巧克力火锅涮品要数草莓。The most common and traditional chocolate fondue dipper is strawberries.

留意点就会发现北极星就位于小熊座在手柄位置的末端。And notice that Polaris marks the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper.

因为它看起来像个勺子或长柄勺,小熊星座很容易找到。Because it looks like a spoon or ladle , the Little Dipper is easy to find.