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孔雀不管大小,都善于飞行,晚上在树上栖息。Peafowl fly well despite their size, and roost in trees at night.

新城疫病毒可引起小鸡、孔雀、野鸡、鹌鹑、鸽子强烈的临床症状。Clinical NDV is most severe in chickens , peafowl , pheasant, quail and pigeons.

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表明蓝孔雀群体遗传多样性丰富。The results indicated that Blue peafowl examined was abundant in genetic diversity.

接着往上是孔雀园,里面养着一些孔雀,以及一只凸鹰。Then Peafowl Garden appeared in front of us, where there is a hawk and lots of peafowls.

过去在英格兰对孔雀的研究中认为,眼状斑点斑暗示着雄性成功交配的机会。Eyespots seemed a good predictor of a male’s chances of success in past studies of peafowl in England.

特别爱看她梳理长尾巴,姿势优美,叼起羽尾时有点儿象孔雀开屏。It's lovely to watch her comb long tale, nice pose, a bit like proudasa peafowl when she hold the tale in her mouth.

Dakin和Montgomerie在对两个加拿大的孔雀种群和一个美国的孔雀种群的研究中也发现了相似的结果。Dakin and Montgomerie have now found similar results in two peafowl populations in Canada and one in the United States.

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此研究讨论了公孔雀的两种求偶行为,并特别将重点摆在雄性的定位方向和太阳位置的关系。We studied two courtship displays of male peafowl , focusing particularly on male orientation relative to the position of the sun.

在蓝孔雀生肉中检出了30种化合物,在熟肉中检出了35种化合物,其中相同的化合物有23种。There were 30 compounds in raw blue peafowl meat, 35 compounds in cooked blue peafowl meat, and 23 compounds were identical between them.

场地大部分都还没开发,葱葱郁郁,是野生动物的良好聚居地。Largely undeveloped and lush, the site is home to a great collection of wildlife including pheasants, peafowl and the occasional raccoon dogs.