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巴利米纳,离贝尔法斯特30英里远。Ballymena. Thirty miles from Belfast.

贝尔法斯特教会给我留下了深刻的印象。And I was very impressed by the Belfast Ecclesia. If.

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首相坚持要到贝尔法斯特民众中走动走动。The Prime Minister insisted on going walkabout in Belfast.

班戈区北爱尔兰东部一自治市区,位于贝尔法斯特湖边。A municipal borough of eastern Northern Ireland on Belfast Lough.

为您的下一次访问爱尔兰,选择贝尔法斯特菲茨威廉酒店。For your next trip to Ireland, choose The Fitzwilliam Hotel Belfast.

希金斯是在贝尔法斯特市中心的一栋公寓被发现的。Higgins was discovered at a block of flats in the centre of Belfast.

梅斯说,婴儿们正在贝尔法斯特受到出格护理。Mayes said the babies were beingcared for in intensive care in Belfast.

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我们得从盖特威克机场转到希思罗机场好赶上飞往贝尔法斯特的班机。We had to transfer from Gatwick to Heathrow to catch a plane to Belfast.

二十世纪六十年代,希尼在贝尔法斯特读师范并在学校当教师。In the sixties Heaney trained as a teacher and worked in schools in Belfast.

贝尔法斯特菲茨威廉酒店提供一个贝尔法斯特餐厅,以及一个酒吧。The Fitzwilliam Hotel Belfast offers one Belfast restaurant, as well as a bar.

过去六个月披着国旗的抗议者成了北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特街头的一道景观。OVER the past six weeks flag-draped protesters have become part of the Belfast landscape.

贝尔法斯特从它苦难的过去挣扎出来,成为充满活力、独一无二的文化中心。Belfast has emerged from its troubled past to become a vibrant and unique cultural center.

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本届民俗艺术节场地设有一排贝尔法斯特风格的连栋房,画家们在房屋两侧作画。On either side of a replica of a Belfast rowhouse at the Folklife Festival, painters worked.

发言者偶尔出现,但大都数是睁大眼睛的谩骂者-跟疯子一样,在贝尔法斯特是种暗语。Spokesmen occasionally appear, but most are wild-eyed ranters—"headcases", in Belfast argot.

她掏出银扣钱包,把“贝尔法斯特礼品”几个字又看了一遍。She took out her purse with the silver clasps and read again the words A Present from Belfast.

北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特机场及英格兰北部的纽卡斯尔机场亦关闭。Belfast airport in Northern Ireland and Newcastle airport in the north of England were also shut.

贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰首府,位于拉根河在贝尔法斯特湾的人海处。Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, on the River Lagan , at its entrance to Belfast Lough.

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这家五星级的贝尔法斯特酒店有点吸引每一位客人,使他们的逗留令人难忘。This five-star Belfast hotel has something to appeal to every guest, making their stay unforgettable.

他问他的朋友们那个星期在贝尔法斯特有多少宗谋杀案。谁也说不准。He asked his friends how many murders there had been in Belfast during the week. Nobody knew for certain.

法国人酒量也比英国贝尔法斯特男人大,所以贝尔法斯特的人更应防止酗酒伤害。The French also drink more wine than men in Belfast which is thought to have a greater protective effect.