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关于玛士撒拉基因的简短回答The Short Answer about the Methuselah Gene

就和玛士萨拉一样,让我们把这个案例叫做玛士萨拉案例。I'm like Methuselah.Call this the Methuselah case.

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我祝您福如东海,寿比南山。I wish you bounty happiness and longevity of Methuselah.

玛土撒拉共活了九百六十九岁就死了。Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.

“玛土撒拉工程”的启动在圣罗莎学院。"Methuselah Project" is initiated at the Santa Rosa Institute.

以诺六十五岁的时候,生了玛土撒拉。Enoch lived sixty-five years, and became the father of Methuselah.

根据圣经上的文字,玛士撒拉活到很老很老的年纪——969岁!According to biblical text, Methuselah lived to the ripe old age of 969!

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“我不知道,”他尖声回答说,“也许我们会叫你寿星。”"I don't know, " he answered harshly. "I think we'll call you Methuselah.

圣经的创世纪中写到玛土撒拉活了969岁。IT IS written in the Bible's Book of Genesis that Methuselah lived to be 969.

圣经的创世纪中写到玛土撒拉活了969岁。IT IS written in the Bible’s Book of Genesis that Methuselah lived to be 969.

圣经中,大洪水之前的一位族长、诺亚的祖父就是玛士撒拉。One of the Bible's pre-flood patriarchs and Noah's grandfather is Methuselah.

默突舍拉生了拉默客后,还活了七百八十二年。Methuselah lived after he became the father of Lamech seven hundred eighty-two years.

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在玛士萨拉的案例中,我规定,最后的我完全不像我自己。And in the Methuselah case,I've stipulated, it ends up not being very much like me at all.

以诺生玛土撒拉之后,与神同行三百年,并且生儿养女。And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters

以及他们可以比一只传统的老鼠更久地生活的一只玛土撒拉鼠的热追踪里。And they are in hot pursuit of a Methuselah mouse that can live much longer than a conventional mouse.

玛土撒拉生拉麦之后,又活了七百八十二年,并且生儿养女。Methuselah lived seven hundred and eighty-two years after he became the father of Lamech, and he had other sons and daughters.

巴茨莱认为那些百岁老人可能就是在他们体内对IGF-1的反应中有一种玛士撒拉基因突变发生。Barzilai thought his centenarians might have a Methuselah mutation that was tamping down their bodies' responsiveness to IGF-1.

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再者,IBG还要捐赠资金给高寿鼠奖,这个奖金是奖励给创造空前长寿小鼠的。Further, IBG would contribute funds to the Methuselah Mouse Prize, a prize for the creation of unprecedentedly long-lived mice.

但是恰恰是一些个子不高的人会有很少见的基因突变,也就是“高寿基因”,它可以延长寿命。Also, some shorter people possess a rare genetic mutation, known as the "Methuselah gene," that seems to extend their life spans.

在拥有玛士撒拉基因的人群中能找到支持“身材矮,寿命长”的证据。Support of the short-stature, long-life claim can be found in people who possess what is being referred to as the Methuselah gene.