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其中重点介绍哈里、赫敏和罗恩Introducing Harry, Hermione, and Ron

李红正把她介绍给莉齐。Li Hong is introducing her to lizzy.

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咱俩怎么介绍起香港电影来了?Why we start introducing Hong Kong film?

她提出此点,纯属遁词。She's only introducing this as a quibble.

隆重介绍意大利肉酱面冰淇淋制造器。Introducing the Spaghetti Ice Cream Maker.

卢太多谢你介绍钟医生给我。Mrs. Lo thank you for introducing me to Dr. Chung.

本文介绍苹果渣综合利用。The paper is introducing synthetical use of pomace.

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我迫不及待地要向大家介绍我们的嘉宾们。I wanna waste no time and get into introducing them.

conclusion里面一定不要出现新观点!Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.

就好比将水虎鱼放进一个平静的湖泊。Like introducing vicious piranhas into a peaceful lake.

政府正在引用某些措施来振兴贸易。The government is introducing measures to revive trade.

你们要看介绍我们工厂情况的录像片吗?Would you like to see the video introducing our plant ?

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很高兴能向您介绍这封信的持有者李先生。I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Li.

数码港工作人员讲解数码港的各项设施。Staff of the Cyberport introducing top-notch facilities.

因此在知识表示中引进RDF技术是十分有意义的。Therefore, introducing RDF into KP is very significative.

很高兴能向您介绍黄先生。I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Huang.

我在向两位印度客人介绍齿轮泵。When I am introducing our products to the Indian Customers.

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小云正在向彼得介绍密云和石城。Xiao Yun is introducing Miyun county and Shicheng to Peter.

英国曾是个税务上的落伍者,2000年才引入税务减免政策。Britain was a tax laggard, introducing credits only in 2000.

介绍了防水,透气运动服的新风格。Introducing a new style of waterproof, breathable activewear.