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教学纪律必须整顿。School discipline must be unforced strictly.

中国应该成为一个自然而然的、经常谈论的话题。China should be a constant topic of unforced conversation.

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费德勒有66次非受迫性失误,比德约科维奇多28次。Federer wound up with 66 unforced errors, 28 more than Djokovic.

没有虚伪做作,充满无限的创造意图。Absence of pretense or artificiality, full creative intent unforced.

在这场比赛中,费德罗有50次发球直接得分和107个赢球,和38个非受迫性失误。For the match, Federer had 50 aces and 107 winners, compared with 38 unforced errors.

成功兑现八个破发点中的五个,并且有四十三次非受迫性失误。He converted five of eight break point opportunities and committed 43 unforced errors.

在某种意义上,主耶稣向他们招手说,“到我这里来作我的门徒吧,乐意的,都可以来享受我所赐的恩典。In a sense, Jesus beckons, "Come closer to me.Be my disciple and learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

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在某种意义上,主耶稣向他们招手说,“到我这里来作我的门徒吧,乐意的,都可以来享受我所赐的恩典。In a sense, Jesus beckons, "Come closer to me. Be my disciple and learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

费雷尔在第三盘中拿下了十一分,并且有十三次非受迫失误和三次双误。Ferrer won 11 points in the third set, when he committed 13 unforced errors and hit three double faults.

在与纳达尔的比赛中,法国人发出11记ACE球并拿下了46记制胜分,尽管有高达45次的非受迫性失误,他依然获得了与纳达尔的九次碰面中的第三个胜利。It was his third win in nine meetings against Nadal, who won three of 12 net points and committed 24 unforced errors.

克里斯特尔斯稳健的击球,使她不惧深陷泥沼,她所送出的非受迫性失误只有12个。And Clijsters' steady strokes allowed her to extend rallies as long as necessary while committing only 12 unforced errors.

没什么可以阻止费德勒前进的步伐,他以38个主动得分和仅仅九个非受迫性失误赢下了这场比赛最后65分中的51分。But nothing could stop Federer, who won 51 of the last 65 points and finished with 38 winners to a mere nine unforced errors.

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中国队有些紧张,出现了许多主动失误,巴西队抓住机会把比分扩大到12个球,这引起主场观众一阵骚动。To a noisy home crowd, the Chinese team looked tight, making many unforced errors and Brazil took chances to level it at 12-all.

从我这方面来讲,在比赛刚一开始的时候,我就给她施加了很大的压力,这样她出现了很多不该有的非受迫失误。Especially at the beginning of the match, I did put on her a lot of pressure, and then she started to do a lot of unforced errors.

穆雷在对阵纳达尔的七局里一共出现了39个非受迫性失误。I went for it today and started to make a few mistakes after that," said a shattered Murray, who made a total of 39 unforced errors in the match to Nadal's seven.

李宗伟很明显压力很大,比赛中频频出现失误,最终以一个尴尬的比分负于林丹。Lee Chong-wei apparently was crushed by the enormous pressure on him, made lots of unforced erros, and finally conceded the victory to Lin Dan at an awkward score.

最后,如果没有外部输入信号,系统的行为完全由自己的初始条件确定,该系统就称为齐次或非强迫系统。Finally, if there are no external inputs and the system behavior is determined entirely by its initial conditions, the system is said to be homogeneous or unforced.

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和19隧道少女哈勒普对决是哈勒普第二次参加美网,六号种子李娜54次非受迫性失误。In the meeting with the 19-year-old Halep, who was playing only her second match at the US Open, the sixth-seeded Li committed 54 unforced errors to her opponent's 19.

特松加,26岁,三年来首次跻身这项ATP年终冠军赛事。The 26-year-old Tsonga, who is appearing at the year-end championship for the first time in three years, hit 11 aces, 46 winners and almost as many unforced errors, 45.

让全日自己感到暖和的“治愈系”小说,真诚、洁净、不做作的纯爱物语“生命终将消逝,我们在一同,是要同度这短暂的人生。”Let I feel warm day "curing lines" novels, sincere, clean and unforced pure love monogatari "life will vanish, and we are together, will be with degrees this short life.