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无副作用。No side effects.

是三大主要因素。Those are big main effects.

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没有compiz的特效。No major effects for compiz.

此种效应称为翘曲。This effects called warping.

这里边有累积的影响。These are cumulative effects.

这些是我的个人用品。They are my personal effects.

你就是那个特效制作人员?。Are you the special effects guy?

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我只带了我的个人用品。I carry only my personal effects.

有累积效应的危险。R33 Danger of cumulative effects.

育亨宾的功效?What are the effects of yohimbine?

任何私人财务都免税。Any personal effects are duty-free.

现在我要谈到系统性作用了I'm talking about systemic effects.

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毒品也是诱变效应。The drug is also mutagenic effects.

这种影响具有二重性。The influence has two-side effects.

这个有好有坏。This has both good and bad effects.

康普茶有什么副作用?Does Kombucha have any side effects?

禁止FAK颠倒这个作用。Inhibiting FAK reversed the effects.

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很多水果都有抗衰老功效。Many fruits have anti-aging effects.

你的个人物品是免税的。Your personal effects are duty free.

所有我们所做的都会产生连锁反应。All these things have ripple effects.