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按一下牛奶纸盒。Click on the milk carton.

封箱胶带请封2层。Do tape 2 layers of carton.

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这些玩具是用纸箱子包装的。The toys are packed in carton.

她小心地盖上了纸板箱。She closed the carton carefully.

我要买一箱阿诗玛香烟。I wart to buy a carton of ashima.

用胶水把所有鸡蛋粘在纸箱里。Glue all the eggs into the carton.

纸板箱用两道绳子加固。Carton is reinforced with 2-ply ropes.

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我们把书装进一个大纸板箱中。We packed the books in a large carton.

卡尔顿一只手仍然插在前襟里。Carton still had his hand in his breast.

需要你帮忙开发另一款纸箱。Need your help to develop another carton.

请将这些货物以纸箱包装。Please pack these goods in a carton case.

阿瑞博先生就把纸板箱放在了芬的座位上。Arable set the carton down at Fern's place.

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是纸箱厂进行技术改造的理想设备。Carton plant is ideal for technical equipment.

每个纸板箱都衬防水材料。Every carton is lined with waterproof material.

产品外包装为纸箱包装。The product external packing is carton packing.

这空纸盒可用来盛鸡蛋。The empty carton can be utilized for egg storage.

不要从包装袋,包装盒当中取出食物直接食用。Never eat directly out of the bag, box, or carton.

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该澳洲蕉农理事会公司的经费是由每盒纸箱自愿征费。The ABGC is funded by a 3?per carton voluntary levy.

即便没有爱情,卡登先生,难道我就不能挽救您吗?Even without my love, Mr Carton , can I not save you?

“不给谁。”卡尔顿一只手仍然插在前襟里。"To no one. " Carton still had his hand in his breast.