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因为巴斯特死了。Buster was dead.

想要摆脱手机合同束缚吗?Cellphone Contract Buster.

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“安斯沃思太太又紧抱住”欢闹鬼“。She hugged Buster to her again.

可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster.

我的第一个儿子,我总是叫他“巴斯特”。My first son, I've always called him Buster.

哪个是你确保消除心情不好的灵药呢?What one thing is your sure fire bad mood buster?

有效的锻炼是一种很好的减压方式。And a really good workout is a great stress buster.

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喂!想不想看看我们最新的地堡杀手?哈哈。Hey! You want to see our new bunker buster? Hehehe.

我家有一盆非常漂亮的驱蚊草。My family had a pot of very beautiful Mozzie buster.

我要点特餐加一杯好夥伴可乐。I'll have the special, with a Buddy- buster cola, please.

可儿打开她的书,轻拍自己的膝盖,让巴斯特跳上来。Chloe opens her book and pats her lap for Buster to jump up.

他有一个训练有素的狗命名为巴斯特基,导致他在那里,他希望去。He has a trained dog named Buster that lead him where he wants to go.

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“当我们走到除虫此前他后面跑,他得到治疗”盈解释。When Buster walked for us earlier, he ran behind me to get his treat.

她选了一双巴斯特·布朗的奶棕色皮鞋配这件裙子,没穿袜子。With this, she wore Buster Browns, cream and rust, and went sockless.

个别而言,这些趋势中的每一个都是潜在的文明毁灭者。Individually, each of these trends is a potential civilization buster.

瑜伽在印尼首都雅加达是广受欢迎的纾压方法。Yoga is a popular stress- buster in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta.

他们公司制造了一种重量约与一部小型汽车相当的掩体炸弹。His firm makes a bunker- buster which weighs about as much as a small car.

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等我们入侵并占为己有以后,你就会听得多了,老兄。Well once we invade and make it our own, you'll hear plenty about it, buster.

福特或者雷诺车被召回,感觉就像带调皮捣蛋的宠物去看兽医。So a recall for a Ford or aRenault, while a pain, is like taking Buster to the vet.

中国自告奋勇的科教界打假人士昨天下午在北京遭到歹徒袭击。China's self-appointed science fraud buster was assaulted yesterday afternoon in Beijing.