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剧痛孕育了狂喜。Transport is taught by throe.

这是中国现代化之路上,必须要付出的代价和承受的镇痛。But China must suffer the throe in the process of modernization.

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外来货车发生车辆碰撞事故的可能性是英国注册货车的三倍。Foreign lorries are throe times more likely to be in a crash than British Lorries.

晚上跑步一只蚊子呛在了我的喉咙中,吐出来的时候不知道是死了还是活着。This night I mosquito came to my throe , I don't know if it still alive when I pour it out.

凡上二者,皆暗指迪氏亦实亦虚之私隐。诗人心中有事生——“脑中葬式”、“哀怆”蹦涌。Something was happening in the mind of the poet, the "funeral in my brain", the volcanic "throe".

要实现这一目标,必须解决好资本积累、技术进步和环境保护这三大问题。Thus, we should solve such the throe problems as capital accumulation, technology progress and environment protection.

经过20年的发展,我国初步建立了三层交易市场结构的资本市场。In the development of 20 years, our country have built up throe layers structure to the trade market of capital market.

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在农网或城网民用低压供电系统中,三相间不平衡电流普遍存在。Unbalanced throe phase currents widely exist in rural electric network and low-voltage power supply for urban buildings.

我国经历过SARS病毒大规模爆发的阵痛,目前又面临着禽流感病毒蔓延的危机,公共健康受到严重的威胁。At the present time the public health of our country has been seriously threatened after our country suffered cosmically foudroyant throe of the SARS, faced spreading of birds-flu virus.

总的来说,印尼人民还没有做好推行民主的思想准备,他们可能还要长期承受政治经济转型带来的阵痛。Generally speaking, People in Indonesia are still not mentally prepared to carry out democracy, and they are still probably enduring throe brought by political and economic transition for a long time.