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不要做得太过火。Don't overdo it.

但不要过分依仗它,灵活运用就是了。And don't overdo it.

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洗手可能会过度吗?Can you overdo handwashing?

关键还是不要做的过度或者滥用。The key is not to overdo it.

㪷翡得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.

过度的幽默会让你看起来很傻。Overdo it and you’ll look like the fool.

不要吃太多糖类食品和淀粉。Try not to overdo it on the sugars and starch.

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利用你的长处但是不要做的过火。Then focus on your strengths but don’t overdo it.

很多人过于心急以至于锻炼过度。Most people are overeager and sometimes overdo it.

但千万不要像啄木鸟那样点个不停。But don’t overdo it and peck like Woody Woodpecker.

我认为这挺好的,但是不要做得太过火了。I think it is a good thing, but don'tever overdo it.

如果他们做的过分了,我们就说他们很多愁善感。If they overdo it, then we say they are sentimental.

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别太过了——水喝的太多也是有害的。Just don't overdo it—too much water can be harmful, too.

试图乔装起来做坏事的人常常会做过头而偷鸡不成蚀把米。Those who attempt to act in disguise are apt to overdo it.

医生说如果我适度活动的话,还是可以打网球的.The docoter said I could play tennis if I didn’t overdo it.

你可以撅起嘴唇,这样显得很可爱,但是不要做的很夸张哦。You can try to pucker up to look cute, but don't overdo it.

限于每周食一次垃圾食品,勿过食。Limit junk food consumption to once a week & don’t overdo it.

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好好休息,直到下周二前都不要工作,不要操劳过度。Stay away from work till next Tuesday, and don't overdo things.

你应该努力工作,但不能过度,把自己累病了。You should work hard, but don't overdo it and make yourself ill.

但是有些时候还是自己做过了头。But some a time is still a do-it-yourself are getting more overdo.