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它能增进亲切感和爱意。It promotes affability and affection.

他的态度和蔼使他成为一个成功的售货员。His affability conduces to success as a salesman.

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友善是和蔼的必然特征。D. Friendliness is a defining characteristic of affability.

形象气质较好,头脑灵活,具有较强亲和力。Good appearance and manner, flexible and have strong affability.

真实感、亲切感、热情感是我们的服务风格。"Honesty, affability and warmth" are our permanent service styles.

为人谦和,有高度的责任心和高尚医德。He is modest affability with high responsibility and nobility medical ethics.

人们仍然在争论梅德韦杰夫是真心亲民,还是在秀演技。People still argue about whether Mr Medvedev's affability was sincere, or a stunt.

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在他异常和蔼可亲的表情之下,有着尖刻和钢铁般的坚毅-乔治·威尔。Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel- George Will.

据一位目前供职于其它银行、布兰克费恩的老同事称,这种友善具有欺骗性。But the affability can be deceptive, according to one long-time colleague now at another bank.

从而希望创造对人类具有亲切感与责任感的包装设计。The purpose of this paper is to create the affability and responsibility to human being from packaging design.

据他所知,多少人都认为咖苔琳夫人为人骄傲,可是他只觉得亲切。Lady Catherine was reckoned proud by many people he knew, but he had never seen anything but affability in her.

夏宁微叹口气,绿烟献殷勤,一定有明夕有关。The summer is rather little to weep tone, the green smoke dedicates affability and definitely has pertinent clear Xi.

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但有一件事的的确确超越了这些精心设计的比赛——那就是中国人民的坦诚、亲切和友善。One thing did transcend the studied nature of these Games — the openness and affability and kindliness of the Chinese people.

老人最满意项目为服务人员态度亲切有礼貌,满意度最低者为机构的位置、交通问题及与家人、朋友的来往等二项。The senile satisfied the most in the affability of service personnel, while the least in location of the facilities, traffic issue and visiting of families and friends.

它是生产者的艺术,源于生活的底层,带有生活的原发性——质拙、坦诚、真实、亲切……这些质朴的情感是每个现代人都身心渴望回归的。It belongs to the laborers and derives from the deep-roots with the following features, sincerity, loyalty, truth and affability. these plain feelings are where modem minds return.