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每步都列出一个句型。Each step shows the sentential form.

因此,名词绝没有语义上的论元。Hence nouns never have sentential arguments, for example.

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本章述及诸多关涉法律英语句子结构的最常见手法。Chapter Four is on the sentential devices in the rhetoric of legal English.

第四章探讨的是句级语义结构,全章共分四个部分。The fourth chapter discusses sentential semantic structure and translation.

第四章为对形容词性分句在句子层面上的研究。Chapter four is about the research of adjective clauses in a sentential level.

在很多情况下,语言教学和学习倾向集中在句子水平上。In many cases, language teaching and learning tend to devote to sentential level.

因此可以采用统计的方法实现中文整句智能输入。Therefore it can use statistical method to realize the Chinese sentential intelligence input.

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“博喻”是超越词句层面,形成“篇章隐喻”的主要手段。Megametaphor is a major means to go beyond lexical- sentential level and into textual metaphor.

句子意义则是由词汇意义和语法意义共同作用的结果。The sentential meaning is the result of interaction of lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.

该文介绍了语句级汉字拼音输入技术评估方法的研究意义及其重要性。This paper introduces the significance of evaluation of Chinese sentential syllable input method system.

以往的预设研究是在句子的层面上进行的。Previous research on presupposition has been conventionally confined to the sentential level of language.

在可能性这一概念的基础之上,体现于句子内容的信息这一概念就可以界定了。Based on the notion of possibility, the notion of information connected to sentential contents can be defined.

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但尽管这一论证简单而明显的,却不能用句子逻辑理论证明它。But this argument, simple and obvious as it is, cannot be proved using only the resources of sentential logic.

传统的英语定冠词研究是在句子的层面上进行的。Previous research on the definite article has been conventionally confined to the sentential level of language.

本课首先将向你介绍符号逻辑的一个分支,即通常认为成为的句子逻辑或命题逻辑。This text will first introduce you one branch of symbolic logic, what is generally called sentential , or propositional, logic.

蹩脚的语法,非常规的双重否定和结构单一的表达构成了他句法层面的显著特色。The poor grammar, unconventional double negatives and monotonous sentential patterns form the typical features of Gumps language.

认为对处于边缘地位的“超语句”结构进行语法分析需要一种新的语法分析框架。It is further proposed that the peripheral "supra- sentential " structures rightly call for a new grammatical framework for analysis.

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句容的可谐调性是分理型句元复说句的主要特征,集中地体现其句型价值。The flexibility of the sentential capacity constitutes the main feature of SVOVC, which best illustrates the value of this sentence pattern.

本文从多方面、多角度回顾和综述了1978年以来我国外语界学者在句子语义学研究中取得的成就。A detailed review of studies on sentential semantics made in China since 1978 indicates that the research in this area has been developing as follows.

判决理由是联结案件事实和判决结果的纽带,它为判决结果提供事实和法律依据。Sentential reason is a ligament of taching to the case fact and judicatory result, it provides the truth and jural evidence for the judicatory result.