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是关于孤独症的严重程度吗Is the severity of autism?

这是典型的自闭症便便。It was the classic autism poop.

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她儿子在大马士革的一个公园里去求见一位专家时,她说她第一次在网上了解到了“自闭症”。autism at first on the Internet.

大多数的孤独症患者The majority of people with autism.

因为他儿子患有自闭症。because his son suffers from autism.

到目前为止,孤独症还是不能治愈的。At present, there is no cure for autism.

儿童挑食是自闭症的前兆吗?Is Picky Eating an Early Sign of Autism?

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在孤独症谱系中,你处于哪个位置?Where do you fall on the autism spectrum?

患有孤独症的儿童则会遇到严重的问题Children with autism have serious problems.

在1950年,葛兰汀被诊断患有孤独症。In 1950, Grandin was diagnosed with autism.

但是一个患有自闭症的人会对什么在行呢?But what does a person with autism age into?

孤独症既是一种残疾,也是一种差异。Autism is both a disability and a difference.

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为了TJ,我也非常感谢我有孤独症。For TJ’s sake I’m grateful I have autism too.

我考虑的是孤独症如何与现实世界融合。I think about how autism fits into the world.

有孤独症的人常常存在感觉问题。People with autism often have sensory issues.

这提示MMR与自闭症没有联系。This suggests that MMR isn't linked to autism.

你在孤独症群体中是非常有名的。You are well known within the autism community.

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我最初是研究儿童孤独症的I started off working with children with autism.

她说这增加了人们对自闭症的理解。She said it added to the understanding of autism.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和伊萨克·牛顿都是天才,但英国科学家们认为他们也可能患有埃斯伯格综合症——孤独症的一种形式。suffered from Asperger syndrome--a form of autism.