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常见的,这是可以通过密码重置一页。Commonly this is fixable via the password reset page.

第二个是简单的深度图层的显示,因此它容易地是可修理的。The second one was just simple depth clipping, so it was easily fixable.

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可单独作业无需与成型机连线机动性高。It can independent works and fixable in line with carrier tape forming machine.

台式电脑也必将朝着固化位置与需求的方向发展。Desktop computer will be must develop toward fixable location and requirement way.

虽然上个星期在冠军联赛中受到了一点挫折,但是我们已经调整好了。We had a minor setback in last week's Champions League match, but it's easily fixable.

我问她,因为我记得肠道出血比目前这种情况容易确定。I asked, as I recall, thinking that an intestinal bleed would be more fixable than whatever this was.

两条可移动的滚筒及两条固定滚筒。可移动滚筒由A.C马达调节。Two removable aluminium rollers and two fixable aluminium rollers. The removable rollers adjust by A. C motor.

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正是由于他们使用最新的东西,他们更容易在不尽人意之处最先发现价值。And because they use the latest stuff, they're in a position to discover valuable types of fixable brokenness first.

电视维修有四个部分,包括现实可修复的现实蓝图,以显示孩子如何使修复。The TV Repair has four realistic fixable parts and includes realistic blueprints to show the child how to make the repairs.

介绍一种具有心内、心外临时固频起搏功能的便携式心电监护仪。A portable ECG monitor is introduced in the paper, which has a temporary intravenous and transesophageal fixable rate pacing function.

“脊椎”间的空隙是无法填满的,于是它们可以抗震,或是能在任何失败点轻易修正。There is no way to fill in the space between the spines so that they are proof against catastrophe, or easily fixable at any point of failure.

目的探讨应用游离髂骨瓣移植合并外固定支架治疗四肢外伤性骨不连的疗效。Objective To discuss the effect of dissociable iliac bone flap transplantation and external fixable trestles to treat traumatic limbs bone nonunion.

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我开始学习WPF技术和我发现WPF是可以解决的,比窗口的界面形式但需要长时间才能掌握它。I'm starting learning about WPF technology and I have found that the UI of WPF is fixable and better than window form but it takes long time to master it.

最后,通过一个具体算例求出梯形齿同步带一个齿上的最大应力点及应力分布规律并与弹性平面问题的解进行了比较。Finally, through an example, the paper get a maximum stress point and stress distribution on a belt tooth and compare them with the solution of fixable plane problem.

我的第一反应是想知道软件和设备开发团队怎么能允许这个一个简单而容易修复的疏忽被遗漏,而完成产品设计。My first gut reaction is to wonder how the software and device development team could allow such a simple and easily fixable oversight to make it through to the finished product.

通过对两者的比较,使其各自的优缺点更为明晰,为企业选择合理的成本控制体系提供了科学的依据。Through the comparison of two methods, their respective advantages and disadvantages are made clear. It also gives scientific accordance for the enterprise to choose fixable cost system.

建立了阅读器网络的图模型,阐述了阅读器网络拓扑结构固定和可随机改变情况下对解决阅读器冲突问题的不同要求。The article introduces the graph model of reader network, and formulates requirement of the solution to reader collision when topology of the reader network is fixable or variable randomly.