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他们逮捕了这个小贩。They arrested the pedlar.

那个小商贩骗了我们的钱。The pedlar sponged money off us.

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他是一个没有固定住所的小贩。He is a pedlar of no fixed abode.

沮丧失望情绪的散布者。A pedlar of gloom and despondency.

小贩使秤盘稍微偏向一边。The pedlar cast the scale slightly.

小贩示意要我跟他走。The pedlar beckoned me to follow him.

那小贩在撒谎欺骗小孩。The pedlar was stuffing the boy with lies.

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接着便是楼下那些小商贩的叫卖声。Then came downstairs the pedlar peddle sound.

似乎为了更像一个小贩,我带着一只银戒指。As if to be more like a pedlar , I wear a silver ring.

我祖母为苹果的与小贩讨价还价。My grandmother dickered with the pedlar over the of apples.

狡猾的摊贩把小姑娘的钱全骗走了。The tricky street pedlar cheated the girl into giving him all her money.

那个城管煽了那个街道小商贩一个耳光,并把小商贩的小商品都没收了。The subpolice slapped the street trader and took off the pedlar and smallware.

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有一位流动小贩养了一只驴子,有一天他买了很多盐,并尽可能地把这些盐堆在驴子身上让牠背。A pedlar who owned an ass one day bought a quantity of salt, and loaded up his beast with as much as he could bear.

这个商贩爱打听别人的事,有点儿饶舌,总是心痒难熬地到处打听消息,并迫不及待地把它传开去。The pedlar was inquisitive and something of a tattler, always itching to hear the news and anxious to tell it again.

当这个买主发现他以低价从小贩那里买的戒指实际上是个假货时,意识到自己被坑了。The buyer realized that he had been tricked when he found the ring he had bought at a low price from the pedlar was actually a fake.

然而,就在个别商贩昧着良心大赚其钱的时候,一些正直的百姓愤怒了。However, wear in individual pedlar be ignorant of when conscience earns its money greatly, the common people of a few integrity annoyed.