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不允许强迫劳动和剥削童工Forced labor and exploitative child labor are not allowed

那些精明的行为让你觉得他是个老谋深算的剥削者。This precise behavior, makes you think he is exploitative and conniving.

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为什么买一个保障了人权的商品,我们要花出10倍于买一个剥削人与环境的商品?Why buy 1 product at humane cost when you can buy 10 at exploitative costs?

而另一些情况下,收礼可能带有剥削性或者严重违反纪律”。In other cases, to accept it could be exploitative or a major boundary violation.

第二部分,赤峰市旅游产品开发条件评价。The second part is the evaluation of tourism product exploitative condition in Chifeng.

是一种具有开发前景的新油源油料树种。Pistacia Chinesis Bge is a kind of new oil resouce with a brightly exploitative prospect.

卡斯特罗之前巴蒂斯塔控制的的古巴就是个被美帝国主义剥削的粪坑。Cuba under the Batista regime was a cesspit of exploitative USA imperialism before Castro.

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即使在‘金伯利进程'时期,钻石业仍然以剥削劳力赢利。Even in the aftermath of the Kimberly Process, diamonds still are funded by exploitative labor.

她建议,应该避开佣金或者手头现金的工作,它们充斥着剥削。Her advice is to steer clear of commission, or cash-in-hand jobs, many of which are exploitative.

起先,女权运动的立场是性工作是坏事,肯定是对女性的压迫。First, feminism as a movement took the stance that sex work is bad and inherently exploitative of women.

广西观赏石资源丰富,品种繁多,有较好的利用前景。Guangxi is rich in the resources of fancy stone, there are various kinds with rosy exploitative prospects.

“然而,根除最危险和最富剥削性的童工劳动形式是我们能力范围内可以做到的,”她说。“Yet eliminating the most hazardous and exploitative forms of child labour is within our reach,” she said.

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探索性创新和开发性创新是两种性质不同的创新方式。Exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation are two forms of innovation with different characteristics.

当它正在做的富裕一流国家,我认为这是剥削和我有一个问题,它。When it's being done by wealthy First-World nations, I think that's exploitative and I have a problem with it.

对神府东胜矿区开发方案进行了决策排序,取得了比较满意的结果。The decision priority for the exploitative plans of Dongsheng Mine Area in Shenfu has achieved a better result.

好几部骗钱全息电影、虚假文件和至少两本假自传都拿他说事儿。He is the subject of several exploitative holofilms, false documentaries, and at least two bogus autobiographies.

这些设计一些纷繁复杂的拉线战术的人,他们是依靠ME中的一些人为漏洞来不公平的击败AI的。They design multi-arrowed exploitative tactics that rely on artificial holes in the ME to unfairly outwit the AI.

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简言之,拐卖儿童就是以剥削为目的在一国之内或国际间迁遣儿童。Put simply, child trafficking is the movement of a child, within a country or across borders for exploitative purposes.

现任总统欢迎中国资本投资贫穷的赞比亚,他的主要竞争对手却猛烈抨击大肆开发资源的中国投资者。The incumbent welcomes China's capital in his poor country. His primary challenger has slammed exploitative Chinese investors.

在PDCP通过之后,召集营销相关人员讨论要开发的资料,并制定详细的市场资料开发计划。Convene Marketing members concerned to discuss exploitative materials and develop detailed Marketing information plan afet PDCP exit.