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这个认识可能来自恐怖小说。This idea may stem from ghoulish novels.

一个“僵尸艺妓”参加了位于日本东京附近的万圣节游行。A ghoulish geisha girl takes part in the Halloween parade in Kawasaki near Tokyo.

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他在录像带中表演的魔鬼舞被全世界的舞者所效仿。His ghoulish moves in the video have been imitated by dancers all over the world.

本•拉登被击毙时藏身的院落如今成为了一处“恐怖”旅游目的地。The compound where Bin Laden was killed has become a ghoulish tourist attraction.

“我是太不喜欢她了,因此不打算这样作,”他说,“除非用一种非常残酷的方式。And I like her too ill to attempt it,' said he, `except in a very ghoulish fashion.

代码中复杂的正则表达式或者重要的业务逻辑必需要有单元测试来确保正确无误。Find a particularly ghoulish regular expression. Or a critical piece of business logic.

艾玛是来自唐卡斯特的一名牙科学生,她在回家后才发现了这张诡异的照片。Dentistry student Emma, of Doncaster, only spotted the ghoulish face when she arrived home.

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它是这么不合时宜,这么残忍,在这本来就够残忍的上下文中。It's so inappropriate and ghoulish, I think, in this already sufficiently ghoulish context.

堆成山的尸骨偶然没被清理干净,但是在那里却被建成了世界上最残忍的墙壁。The mountain of bones was not dumped haphazardly, but where built into the most ghoulish of walls.

北朝鲜就是一个这样的食尸鬼般的国家典型,饥荒与核武器并存。North Korea is a particularly ghoulish example, where starvation coexists with nuclear weapons development.

通过使用互联网搜索得来的信息,他向业主们解说了这个鬼怪节日的起源。Using information culled from an Internet search, he explained the holiday's ghoulish origins to homeowners.

但是这比起饰演拉维特夫人的海伦娜·邦汉·卡特也许要容易点。But easier, perhaps, than Helena Bonham Carter's job in playing Mrs. Lovett, Todd's ghoulish partner in crime.

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莫瑞女士在巴勒摩的嘉布遣会地下墓穴中参观了一些特别令人毛骨悚然的华丽而干枯的干尸。Ms Murray visits some particularly ghoulish mummies, dressed but withered, in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo.

到乌鸦岭墓园北方小屋里找「亚伯克隆比」还任务“僵尸汁”并接后续任务“食尸鬼假人”,往西进入乌鸦岭大墓园。Go to Abercrombie and hand in "Juice Delivery" and get the follow up "Ghoulish Effigy " Head west towards the huge cemetery.

尽管受到各种批评,但是这个乐队仍然坚持涂着白脸,穿着奇异服装进行演出,这些特征都使他们名声大噪。Adored by fans, despised by critics, the group made a name for itself performing in white face make-up and ghoulish costumes.

据说罗梅罗“让僵尸和吸血鬼杂交,得到了具有杂交优势的令人毛骨悚然和麻烦的怪物”。It is said that Romero “bred the zombie with the vampire, and what he got was the hybrid vigour of a ghoulish plague monster”.

学习如何设计为你的万圣节鬼屋党在这个自由鬼怪假期计划视频房间主题。Learn how to design your room themes for a haunted house for your Halloween party in this free ghoulish holiday planning video.

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进入大墓园东方的地下墓穴杀僵尸直到完成任务“食尸鬼假人”、“惩罚图腾”及“守夜人”。Enter the eastern catacomb and kill zombies until you complete "Ghoulish Effigy ", "The Totem of Infliction" and "The Night Watch".

这个认识可能来自恐怖小说。研究者说,人死后皮肤会变干并且收缩,所以显得头发和指甲更长了。This idea may stem from ghoulish novels. The researchers said the skin dries out and retracts after death, giving the appearance of longer hair or nails.

此外,身患卟啉病的人不允许镜子出现在日常生活中,因为他们不愿意在镜中看到自己的惨白骇人的鬼样子。It was also thought that those who suffered from Porphyria abandoned mirrors from their lives because they did not wish to see their ghastly and ghoulish appearance.