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新税收法律使我很费解。The new tariff statutes baffle me.

我们从和平的代价开始谈。Let us start with the tariff of peace.

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中国将降低进口贸易税,以保持贸易平衡。China will cut import tariff to balance trade.

这个饭店提供的统包价格为每周150英镑。The hotel offers an all-in tariff of£150 a week.

有很多商品己经是零关税。The tariff on many goods is already zero tariff.

关税和其他开放市场的一揽子计划Tariff Schedules and Other Market-Opening Packages

中国对碳关税问题过度担忧了吗?。Has China Over-reacted to the Carbon Tariff Proposal?

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而且您也可以选择£35/£30套餐,只需要首付£99的兑换获得。And it's just £99 on our £35 tariff and new £30 tariff.

但是对非共同体的国家则实行统一的对外税则。But a common external tariff exists for non-eec countries.

最后论述新关的关税征收。Third , I discuss the levies of tariff of the New Customs.

我们预期11年四季度上网电价还有可能获得一次上调。We expect the on-grid tariff would be raised again in 4Q11.

即使是印度的工业是在高关税保护。Even Indias industry is under the protection of high tariff.

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政府计划对进口货物征收新关锐。The government plans to slap a new tariff on imported goods.

如果您更喜欢16GB的版本,那么£75套餐还享受零首付。Ifyou'd prefer the 16GB version, it's free on our £75 tariff.

政府已建立关税壁垒以抵制舶来品。The government has raised tariff walls against foreign goods.

从这个意义上讲,贸易法取代了关税法。At this point, American trade law substituted for its tariff law.

非会员分嘉宾和访客,打球收费标准请看这里的价目表。The non-member means member's guest or visitor. Here's our tariff.

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政府决定提高关税壁垒以抵制外国货。The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods.

收入关税的征收完全用于政府。A revenue tariff is impose strictly to raise money for the govement.

计徵税款的期限自货物放行之日起计算。The tariff will be calculated from the date goods entered into China.