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他赢得了人们的赞美。He won the admiration of people.

你需要也并值得羡慕。You need and deserve admiration.

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她对他的勇气敬佩之至。She bas admiration for his courage.

围观者的赞美是施虐狂。The crowd's admiration is sadistic.

围观者的赞美是施虐狂。The crowd’s admiration is sadistic.

她的赞美之中含有妒意。Her admiration was tinted with envy.

杰克得到他妻子的赞赏而洋洋得意。Jack basked in his wife's admiration.

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阿那律陀听了,非常感动敬佩。Nalv Tuo heard very moving admiration.

她是学生们钦慕的对象。She is the admiration of her students.

我带着赞赏的心情听着和望着玛格丽特。I heard and saw Marguerite with admiration.

你会充满赞赏和崇拜之情。Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.

他对任伯年也相当膺服。He also had great admiration for Ren Bonian.

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他对这位少女真是崇拜得五体投地。He was rapt in admiration of that young lady.

他找到钱包时松了一口气。He breathed a deep breath of humble admiration.

不过一说到梵蒂冈,倒是一脸敬仰。But say to the Vatican, is a face of admiration.

人们已由嫉妒转变到钦佩他们的杰出才干。Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess.

那是你们显示出对他们的敬慕。You were showing respect and admiration to them.

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有些迷人的风景只适于远观。There are charms made only for distant admiration.

我们对金牌获得者极为敬佩。We have a great admiration for the gold medalists.

你谈到了你对艾伦·里克曼的钦佩。You've spoken of your admiration for Alan Rickman.