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他最喜欢的玩具是风车。His favorite toy is the pinwheel.

他最喜欢的玩具是风车。His favourite toy is the pinwheel.

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你最喜欢的玩具是什么?大风车。What's your favourite toy? Pinwheel.

你最喜欢的玩具是什么?我喜欢风车?What's your favourite toy? I like a pinwheel.

大致近似于纸风车上的双重螺旋线。A rough approximation would be the dual spirals in pinwheel.

能够进行远距离攻击的武器在实战中会占许多的优势。Weapons that can be used from a distance have many advantages. The Pinwheel.

如今,一个凯瑟琳车轮也是一款烟火,看起来像是轮转烟火。D. Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework, it look something like a pinwheel.

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这些塔,或者说是“刀锋”的中心有一个三角形的中心轴,里面安装着电梯和机械设备。These towers, or "blades," pinwheel about a triangular central shaft that holds elevators and mechanical equipment.

如果卫星的轨道是椭圆的,就会产生螺旋波,就像是银河系纸风车形状的缩影。If the satellite has an elliptical orbit the result is a spiral wave a miniature version of the pinwheel pattern of our galaxy.

暗尘线跟踪的漂亮螺旋臂和蓝色星簇曾给了这个星系广受流行的名字-南部风车。Prominent spiral arms traced by dark dust lanes and blue star clusters lend this galaxy its popular name of the Southern Pinwheel.

这代码写出来有点像-,我不确定这像什么,像朵花,或纸风车,或其他什么东西。Writing code that just looks-- I'm not even sure what this is supposed to look like, a little flower or pinwheel or something like that.

调配罐分缸体、缸盖、搅拌、进料口、摆线针轮行星减速器、出料阀组成。Prepare pot is made up of barrel body, barrel cover, churn oar, feeding throat, cycloidal pinwheel reduction box, bleeder valve and so on.

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中间蓝色和粉红色的针轮是星系主要的恒星状星盘,另外花瓣,带状的结构是其延伸的旋臂。The blue and pink pinwheel in the center is the galaxy's main stellar disk, while the flapping, ribbon-like structures are its extended arms.

他想,风车这玩意儿好玩儿,能带来快乐,有可以挣得点生活费用,何乐而不为呢?Jun Liang's opinion is that the pinwheel is such a fun toy that can bring people joy, and at the same time, he can be rewarded for making pinwheels.

对该样式的定义、组成要素、分类和产生的算法进行了讨论,并提出一种对称式转轮样式的统一命名方式。The definitions, elements, categories, generating algorithms of the pinwheel pattern are discussed and a uniform symmetric pinwheel notation is proposed.

天文学家不知道这是如何精确运行的,因此轮转火焰星系外缘提供他们一个类似实验室相对仔细的检查过程。Astronomers don't know precisely how this works, so the rim of the Pinwheel provides them with a laboratory for examining the process relatively close up.

每秒几百公里的旋转速度可能使圆盘里的物质呈现象宇宙玩具风车一样独特的螺旋形。This spinning motion, at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second, may cause matter in the disk to take on a distinctive spiral shape like a cosmic pinwheel.

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银河真正的模样,其实是一个由星星和气体组成的巨大扁平“风车”。What we're really looking at is an immense, flat pinwheel of stars and gases, spinning in a majestic whirl that takes Earth once around every 250 million years or so.

并计算了这一数据集下所有箱数为非质数的转轮样式实例,以及每一可能转轮样式的货物长宽比范围。All pinwheel instances with this data set are calculated, and box ratio range is obtained for each possible pinwheel pattern, which can be found for all non-prime numbers of boxes.

计算结果显示货物长宽比越大越有可能获得转轮样式的最优解,表明转轮样式和货物长宽比的确影响托盘装箱问题。And a high box ratio makes an optimal pinwheel pattern more likely appear. Results identify the impact of the above pinwheel pattern and the box ratio on the pallet loading problem.