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这孩子的弓箭步真标准!The forward lunge of this child is very standard.

转换到这个体式,像是单腿后迈的体式一样。Transition to a lunge like pose on the step back.

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当好几个头突然袭来时,他赶紧跳回闪躲。He jumps back as several of the other heads lunge.

滑门变化步,接着来一个同足剑步下腰。Sliding door variation and then a same foot lunge.

因此,他们有时会有一些非常奇特的想法。As a result, they sometimes lunge at outlandish ideas.

向前跨步,保持姿势,身体再缓慢上下16次。Lunge forward and hold the lunge, pulsing for 16 reps.

石家庄好伦哥春节营业时间?。Good Shijiazhuang Lunge banking hours the Spring Festival?

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他丢掉鞋子,怒吼着,准备再一次向我袭击。He dropped them, growled, and prepared to lunge at me again.

钢锯蹲腿是在一个较低的身体锻炼冲刺一。A hacksaw squat is a one legged lunge in a lower body workout.

到一边角度提出这个弓步站立瑜伽立场。Lunge into the side angle pose with this standing yoga position.

你的右手,当你执行铅膝爬行弓步。Lead with your right hand when you execute the crawl with knee lunge.

如果你的膝盖不好,可以试着倒着走来做一个倒退的弓箭步。If you have bad knees, try doing a reverse lunge by stepping backward.

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我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。We sought to parry the charateristic soviet lunge with fancy footwork.

左大腿和手放在地板上的弓步右手背与流行。Left hand on thigh and right hand on floor for the lunge back with pop.

你冲到敌人身后,以不可思议的速度从后面攻击他们。Lunge past your foes with preternatural speed to attack them from behind.

他挣扎着想冲到教主身边,然而他僵硬的躯体,却再也不能向前移。Rémy tried to lunge for the Teacher, but his stiffening body could barely move.

歹徒敲了他们的门,温迪一开门便向她扑去。The attacker knocked on their door and made a lunge for Wendy when she answered.

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最后一组动作时,保持跨步的姿势,身体缓慢上下16次。On your final alternating lunge, hold the lunge and pulse up and down for 16 reps.

皮球越过了福琼的防守,留给格拉汉姆的工作就很简单了。The ball just evaded Quinton Fortune's lunge and gave Graham a relatively simple tap-in.

膝盖下弓步将地面与地球你,在你可达延长脊椎。The knee down lunge will ground you with the earth while you reach up to lengthen the spine.