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现在,人们在改善环境方面是不协调的。Now, people is inharmonious in the respect of improving an environment.

家庭关系的不和谐也许是这周最令你烦心的事情。Inharmonious situations at home may be extremely upsettingfor you this week.

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不和谐的工作气氛,将会抵消智囊团的效率。The inharmonious working atmosphere can counteract the efficiency of the think tank.

但她似乎是个贞洁娴静的女子,依此揣测,又是格格不入。But she seems a woman that the chaste Xian calms down, surmises according to this, again inharmonious.

中欧关系在全面发展的同时也存在着一些不和谐的因素。Inharmonious elements exist in China-EU relations in spite of the development of the overall relations.

和谐辩证法是“和而不同”,而矛盾辩证法则是“同而不和”。Harmonious dialectics is "harmonious but different"while contradictory dialectics is "same but inharmonious".

可用于解释类似相域等时旋回厚度的不协调变化。The research can be used to interpret similar inharmonious thickness variation in isochronic strata correlation.

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在我国构建和谐社会的过程中,还面临着许多不和谐的社会问题。In the process of building harmonious society in China, we are still faced with many inharmonious social problems.

于是在高唱颂歌的年代,他因唱着不和谐的音调而获咎。Therefore, he was blamed for the so-called inharmonious voices in those years which were overflowed with praising songs.

我发现了股票内部存在着和它的主导力量和谐或不和谐的关系。I have found that in the stock itself exists its harmonic or inharmonious relationship to the driving power or force behind it.

不和谐的民族关系不啻影响西北边疆的安全与稳定,而且还能引发动乱和动荡。On the other hand, an inharmonious National relationship will not only threaten its security and stability, but also lead to chaos.

板内造山主要表现为同一区域内岩石圈、流圈等不同层圈之间的不协调的相对运动。Whereas the intraplate orogeny show that an inharmonious relative motion between different spheres was happened in the same region.

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但是,世界的发展是不平衡的,甚至是不和谐的,面临着许多复杂的难题。However, the development of the world is unbalanced or even inharmonious. It still faces many difficulties and complicated problems.

重点讨论了机器与人类之间的不和谐关系,高度仿真与虚无之间的关系。It dwells on the inharmonious relationship between machinery and human beings, the relationship between super simulation and illusion.

构建和谐社会是党中央针对目前我国的社会现状做出的决策,应当成为全社会共同的价值目标和责任。Building harmonious society necessitates a process of thinking and exploration, and needs to he engaged from the most inharmonious spot.

这个故事或主题又往往孕育着与之不合谐乃至对立的因素。This story or theme often conceives inharmonious and even opposite elements that characterize the relationship between the eight trigrams.

新月理想是新月派的审美理想,以传统的“和谐美”为特质,又融入了现代的“不和谐”因素。New Moon Ideal is the ideal of appreciating beauty, is characteristic of ? traditional harmony, and is fused with modern inharmonious ingredients.

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可是他说自从主人和洪福出去以后没有别的人出入,这和我的推想格格不入。But he says ever since that time the host and great luck went out hereafter have no another person's discrepancy, this with my reckon inharmonious.

分析了不和谐消费产生的原因,指出在我国必须大力提倡和谐的消费观。This paper analyzes on the causes of inharmonious consumption, and points out that the harmonious consumption conception must be advocated in our country.

看起来,是多么的不和谐。好友却为此沾沾自喜,这是他惟一不听从设计师意见的地方。It looked so inharmonious there, but my friend felt quite pleased with himself, for it was the only point on which he refused to take the designer's advice.