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要把事情提出来吗?要责骂他?Do I bring it up, do I chide him?

哦,请为我把命运的女神诟让。O for my sake do you with Fortune chide.

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谁能呵责你流下忧伤的泪滴。Who then could chide the gloomy tears you shed?

但假如你试图语,就会遭到她们的责骂。However, you be to chide you if you try to talk Louis.

但你试图讲法语,就会遭到他们的责骂。However, they will chide you if you try to speak French.

为什么中国媒体要斥责古巴和美国关系的回温?Why did Chinese media chide Cuba for warming up to the US?

我的一些中国朋友常批评我把中国想得太理想化了。Some of my Chinese friends chide me for overidealizing China.

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弗罗伦斯来检查我工作得如何,责备我中间没有休息。Florence arrives to check how I am getting on and chide me for not having taken my break.

经济学家们和其他那些好管闲事的人责怪他们没有增加生活开支以此刺激经济的增长。Economists and other busybodies chide them for not spending more, thereby stimulating the economy.

它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而词汇是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。They expected blood, bones, gristle, sinews . They chew and chew, but the words are chide and chicle is indigestible.

一个行事神秘的专制国家的国有电视台谴责百度的暗箱操作似乎有点过头了。It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.

对于行事保密的威权国家的国有电视台来说,谴责百度讳莫如深似乎有点过了。It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.

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它们期待的是血,是骨头,是软骨,是筋,它们嚼了又嚼,然而Vocabulary是无味的树胶,树胶是无法消化的。They expected blood, bones, gristle, sinews. They chew and chew, but the phrases are not chide and chicle is indigestible.

肥胖、愚蠢、丑陋、笨拙,你的主人斥责嘲笑你,你听不懂,以为那是赞美!Fat , Foolish, Ugly, Clumsiness, Your host chide and laugh you , But you aren't inaudibility . You think of that it is praise!

在他十来岁的时候,他曾有过一段短暂的信教经历,甚至因为家人被同化吃猪肉而责难他们。In his preteens he had a brief, intense religious experience, going so far as to chide his assimilated family for eating pork.

如果你经常查看iPhone上是否有工作信息的话,你怎么斥责你的十几岁的小孩沉迷于电子游戏呢?How can you chide your teenager for ignoring you in favor of a video game if you're always checking your iPhone for work messages?

我们如果真要惩罚她,最历害的一着就是把他俩分开,可是她比我们更常为了他而挨骂。The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him, yet she got chide more than any of us on his account.

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但是当有人问道国情咨文演说是否是一个“合适的时机”去“指责”联邦最高法院时,罗伯茨毫不犹豫地回答了这个问题。But when asked whether the State of the Union address was the "proper venue" in which to "chide" the Supreme Court, Roberts did not hesitate.

许多文章谴责辛巴威政府漠视人权的行径,连篇社论也对辛巴威「被阉割」的司法体系提出警告,就连漫画也是在消遣总统穆加比。Articles chide Zimbabwe's human rights record, and editorials warn of the dangers of an " emasculated " judiciary. Cartoons mock President Robert Mugabe.

尽管这一次的攻击已经相隔渐远了,但还是能认为对于一个不公开,专制的国家所有的电视台来说,对百度的暗中交易的批评次数好像有点多了。The latest attacks go further, though. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.