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显然,外省人爱中华民国国旗。Apparently, mainlanders love the ROC flag.

有时候,梦想像鲲鹏一样,展翅高飞。Sometimes dream soaring above the earth like a roc.

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使用ROC构建应用是直接的。Building applications using ROC is straight forward.

无论如何,我们来到官赫尔曼广场入手,中华民国国旗。Anyway, we went to Justin Herman Plaza toting ROC flags.

您在华聘雇期间内合法工作,将会有什麽好处?What are the advantages of having a legal job in the ROC?

而此刻,大鹏和胖子已经联系好了学校。And at the moment, roc and fatso had contacted the school.

方显廷是民国时期著名的中国经济学家之一。Fang Xian-ting is one of the most famous economists in ROC.

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大鹏鸟飞得很高,根本看不到底下地面的情形。The roc flew so high that I couldn't see the earth below me.

战后和平过程类似中华民国ROC和福尔摩沙之间的关系。In the post-war peace process between Formosans and ROC Chinese.

李将军陪同我驻新加坡郑代表莅舰参观。Mr. Jeng, the ROC representative at Singapore boarded and visited.

当雏巨鸟进场时,放四个蛋壳指示物在上面。When Roc Hatchling comes into play, put four shell counters on it.

众所周知,国共两党都免除了日本的战争赔款。And all we known, both PRC and ROC gave up Japan, s war reparations.

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用真双正态模型处理了退化资料。The proper binormal ROC model had been applied to the degenerate data.

良、恶性鉴别诊断界值的确定用ROC曲线。Cut-off value for diagnosis of malignancy was determined with ROC carre.

本人保证未具侨生身份且不具中华民国国籍。I declare that I do not hold overseas Chinese status or ROC citizenship.

ROC展示了在逻辑层上一种新的架构设计模式。ROC presents a new set of architectural design patterns in the logical level.

本人在台未曾完成申请就学学程或遭退学。I have never completed or been expelled from any academic programs in the ROC.

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要真的日本把钓鱼岛还给中华民国了,那可真就恶心了中华人民共和国了。If the japanese government return the island to ROC , it will be a shame for PRC.

在林诉美案下,台湾人遭受,被中华民国迫害的「充分恐惧」。Well-founded fear of ROC persecution of the Formosan nationality under Lin v USA.

另一个挑战是解释为什么我们研究REST以及我们如何发现ROC。Another challenge has been explaining why we explored REST and how we discovered ROC.