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愿上帝怜悯我的敌人,因为我不会这样做!Wish commiseration my enemy of God, because I can't so do.

我并没有想获得任何同情,明白吗?I DO NOT want to eary any commiseration. Do you understand?

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任何赛后的工作都应该做到,无论是为了庆祝或者同情。Go to any post-game functions, for either celebration or commiseration.

在那姑娘被扶出去的时候,许多人都表示怜惜,也对她的父亲深表同情。There was much commiseration for her as she was removed, and muchsympathy with her father.

亲爱的主啊,我在这里情趣您的怜悯,请让他被憎衡,被驱逐。阿们。Dear Father in Heaven I am here to beg your commiseration may him be detested and expelled . Amen.

她的怜悯的声调重重地打击了那条经常被粗暴地碰触,但当她或任何人在场时弗洛伦斯从没有去听过的心弦。Her tone of commiseration smote the chord so often roughly touched, but never listened to while she or anyone looked on.

听起来这像是批判种辛勤耕耘谷子和豌豆的农民,但若读完本文,你会发现其实是同情他们。This will sound like criticism of industrial grain and soybean farmers but if you read to the end, it is really commiseration.

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每逢听到这样的声音,我便也随声附和一番,觉得很是同情和理解,因为有时我也有同样的感觉。Every time when I hear about it , I also echoed to them and show my commiseration and understanding, because sometimes I have the same feeling.

任总理期间营造出了亲民形象,并以频频访问中国贫困地区以及公开同情底层民众著称。Mr. Wen has cultivated a populist image as premier, and is known for his visits to China's hinterland and his public commiseration with the downtrodden.

如果你一直强调你刚结束的流感的详细细节,面试官会感觉被迫要求一些怜悯和安慰,这会削弱专业的界限性。If you detail the bad flu you just got over, the interviewer will feel obliged to offer commiseration or consolation of some sort, which weakens the professional boundaries.

孟子把“恻隐之心”视为“仁之端”,试图在君子心性中为仁爱理想奠定一个具有普遍性的坚实起点。Mencius regards the heart of commiseration as the beginning of humaneness, so as to set up a universal foundation for the Confucian ideal of humane love in the human heart-nature.